12 October 2008

A bit of swap news and links

Hello all. We are wrapping up the swap soon. I will be posting some new photos tomorrow on our flickr site and would like for two lost swap buddies to contact me-(cdetroyes at yahoo dot com) so we can finish up except for a few photos. Would Pamela M who is partnered with Tracy G please e-mail me and e-mail Tracy, and would Lindsey, who is partnered with Lisa (the tin house) e-mail me and Lisa. I will leave you with an interesting link that give ideas and a few tutorials for handmade holiday gifts. There are some really great ideas there!
Another site has some great explanations on natural body products that can be given as gifts or used by yourself: http://www.naturalbeautyworkshop.com/my_weblog/2008/10/creating-all-na.html For those techies there is this tutorial that is a great gift idea: http://www.ohfransson.com/oh_fransson/2008/09/how-to-make-a-charging-basket.html and do take the time to check out oh fransson's blog-there are beautiful quilts and great explanations on how to make them!!
For the kitchen here are two links that are fun and useful :http://www.skiptomylou.org/2008/09/26/oven-mitt-pattern/ and http://mybyrdhouse.blogspot.com/2008/09/scrappy-hot-pad-tutorial.html Enjoy and don't forget that there are many ideas out there! Sharon


  1. Sharon, I'm not sure if my comment last night might have arrived too late - but I still have not received my swap, nor heard if my parcel (posted to the UK airmail in August) ever arrived. My swap partner was Lindsey, and I am Lisa (the tin house). Anyway, I've emailed Lindsey a few times without reply so I'm hoping she's ok and that something will arrive for me sometime soon.

    Lisa x

  2. Lisa-e-mail me and I will check on it for you.

  3. I live in San Francisco. A world away from you. But I want to tell you that I think you are amazing: you write beautifully (and from the heart), you share valuable information, and you encourage a lifestyle that could benefit us all. I wish I knew you.

    Please keep up your wonderful blog.

  4. Thank you so much for the wonderful links. I will be making all of my Christmas gifts this year. . . due to budget cuts :)



  5. Sharon, I have emailed you several times about my missing swap partner but maybe they have got lost in the ether.
    I have not heard from her and as she lives in Houston wondered if you had as I am worried due to the hurricane that hit over there.I am Jo and her name is Melanie. Thanks.

  6. Sharon - I still haven't heard from my swap partner, Maggie - and the emails I have sent have come back as undeliverable. Not sure if it's my server or hers.

  7. Thanks for the great links!


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