14 September 2008

Swap Update

Hello all. I hope everyone is enjoying their week-end and we send our prayers to those who are dealing with Hurricane Ike. I wish to remind everyone that the deadline for the swap was last week-end, September 6th. I did not remind everyone due to so much happening to Rhonda. I hope everyone has posted their parcels now. If each of you could please let me know:
1. Your name and your swap buddy's name
2. that you have posted your parcel
3. whether or not you have received your parcel and, of course,
4. please send me a photo of your parcel and the parcel you receive from your buddy (when you receive it)
I need to remind everyone that the only way I can manipulate the photos is by a jpeg attachment to the e-mail that you send me-my computer does not like embeded photos, or photos through Microsoft Network , etc. In order for me to upload them I need a jpeg attachment that I can download into my picture file, which is then annotated and uploaded to our flickr account (flickr can also be a bit testy with photos). I have about 10 photos right now and have replied to those (there are two of you who need to re-send your photos as a jpeg attachement). I will be uploading these photos on to our flickr page this week and will continue to add photos in batches of about 12, so keep checking for yours. The flickr page is listed in the side bar of Rhonda's blog : http://www.flickr.com/photos/down-to-earth_swap_photos/ . My e-mail (Sharon) is: cdetroyes at yahoo dot com
I hope everyone has enjoyed this swap! I will be back next week with some links that I have found for projects and tips for handmade holidays. As always, if there are questions or problems, please e-mail me!


  1. Where do I go to learn about future swaps?
    Claire, Texas

  2. Claire-justr keep reading the blog-we announce them every so often! Glad you are interested-if you have any questions, just e-mail me-my e-mail is in the post! Hugs Sharon

  3. Hi I ahve just oufnd oyu post not sure how but have been knbitting my own dishcloths for forever and so maybe by circuitous route through Deb's blog??

    Anyway I love this place i willvisit often adn my family of seven children DH and i are trying (well I am for them) to live like this I love to be home and be productive and useful to my community.

    And I live not too far away from you - so thnak you I ahve copied you r recipes into my recipe book and am off to make my own soap tomorrow and my own laudnry liquid.

    i look forward to reading more when time permits.


  4. Hi Sharon,

    My swap partner was Lindsey in the UK. My parcel was posted over a month ago but I haven't heard if it's been received. I have not received my parcel yet.

    Lisa (the tin house) xx

    Thanks - you're (as ever) doing a sterling job!


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