21 September 2008

More of the Swap photos and a few links

I have posted more swap photos-don't worry if yours is not up yet I post them in batches so I will be posting more all this next week. If you haven't sent me your photo, please do try to send it soon! my e-mail is :cdetroyes at yahoo dot com I have also found some fun links for ideas for our hand-made holiday. For knitters, here is a fun edging to try: http://www.instructables.com/id/How_to_knit_a_quotPicotquot_Edge/
For ideas to give the little ones I have two links: http://blueyonder.typepad.com/photos/bandana_pants/ and http://paperdollygirl.wordpress.com/2008/09/17/baby-gift-burp-cloths/
For the cook here is a fun apron tutorial that you can use to make matching chef's apron: http://www.instructables.com/id/How_to_sew_an_adjustable_chefs_apron/
For those who like to read in bed here is an easy tutorial on an organizer: http://sewmamasew.com/blog2/?p=574 Sew Mama Sew http://sewmamasew.com/blog2/ is showing us a lot of ideas on making things for the home so be sure to check out the blog for ideas and tutorials.
Here is a lunch tote idea for those who ride bicycles to work or school: http://www.evilmadscientist.com/article.php/lunchbag
I will be back later in the week with more ideas for han made holiday gifts and to let you know when I have posted more photos. Hugs Sharon


  1. I like to make something small for all those teacher/coworker type people in my life. Like the Korknissen(easy knitting project using leftover yarns and corks seen here: http://www.saartjeknits.nl/patterns/Korknisse.html)
    or knit a dishcloth with a small bar of soap, or some other small ornament.Something small and easy and quick just to spread holiday cheer or place in a stocking.

  2. Thanks for these links, Sharon. I've just finished checking them out. I really like the lunch bag for the bike. :- )


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