10 September 2008

I need your help

Hi again everyone! I'm doing some work on the book today and I need your help. I want to include the stories of others people/couples/families who are living the simple life and although I have people in Australia and the US in mind, I want some in Canada, the UK and Europe. Can you help me find some good people? I only need a few but I want to look through a lot of blogs to get that small number.

I need those who are living simply with green sustainable values. They MUST have a blog so I can see and read about what they're doing, and they MUST be not only writing about what is important in their lives but also be applying those principles to their daily life. Photos are absolutely necessary, I need to see, as well as read, about change.

So if you have such a blog, or know of some, please add the links in the comments. Over the next few days I'll visit and if I think it's suitable, I'll email the blog owner. And hopefully, we'll all find some great new blogs to read. Remember, it's only UK, Canadian or European blogs I'm interested in.

Thanks everyone!



  1. Here is one in Canada,a wonderful blog. http://debylin.wordpress.com/2008/07/17/journey-to-separation/#comments

  2. Here are blogs you will learn much from, TRUTH.

    Blogroll to Read Each Day
    A Process Driven Life
    Growing Up Agrarian
    Ante Family Agrarians
    Country Mom
    Darkwood Farm
    Debylin's Blog

    Irbs and Stuff
    R & V Farmstead
    Sifford Sojournal
    Tabletop Homestead Blog
    The Deliberate Agrarian

  3. Hi Rhonda, this are some UK blogs that I enjoy,www.comtemplatingchange.blogspot.com, www.sallygardens.typepad.com and www.downshiftingpath.blogspot.com

    Hope the back is on the mend.

  4. Hi Rhonda,

    For a couple of months I've been enjoying "These days in French Life" at http://frenchtoastfrance.blogspot.com


  5. I really enjoy this one - there are some great recipes too!


  6. United States, North Carolina:

    to get to this couple's blog, link to my page, then click on "inspiring couple livin green."

    i think it will be of great help to you!

  7. Best uk blog I have read is Musings from Stonehead, http://stonehead.wordpress.com/. This is written by a scottish crofter who breeds rare breed berkshire pigs and gives lots of info of sustainable living.

    You may already know it but I would thoroughly recommended it.


  8. I live in the Netherlands and i read often this lovely blog http://10notes.blogspot.com/
    This blog is made by a dutch woman.

    Annikka from the Netherlands

  9. Hello Rhonda Jean,

    I have not commented before, just discovered your blog recently.
    You can check out my blog, but I don't think it is suitable for your book. I garden, preserve and bake, but wouldn't label myself as living simply.

    You might enjoy "colour it green diary" and "musings of a Stonehead", though. Both from the UK. As is the selfsufficientish forum and website.

    Good luck,

  10. GTM is the greenest person I know, and has appeared on tv with the gurus of green living in the UK,Dick and Brigit Strawbridge.


    Dick and Brigit have their own site/forum/book which were spin-offs from their very successful tv series:


  11. I am living in the Netherlands. To write in English is difficult for me. So my blog about simple living is in Dutch. Maybe, the photos are usefull for you. You can visit my blog: www.eenvoudigleven.blogspot.com

  12. Hi Rhonda Jean
    You may have already seen my blog, I'm not sure but I live in the UK and here it goes:


    Even if I'm not what you are looking for that is OK. I'd also love to point you in the direction of Sharon J. http://finding-simplicity.blogspot.com

    good luck with your pursuit!


  13. Hi Rhonda,

    My families long term goal is simplicity and self sustainability and I have been applying this in our everyday lives.


    I also love:

    UK Jen's blog

    And I know you didnt say NEW ZEALAND but Nikkis blog is fab and she is really trying hard to become totally self sufficient...

  14. Here are a few , hopefully of help.

    self sufficient and informative


    Based in France, eco holiday site, eco life!

  15. Oooh, I have to get picky here, sorry. www.sallygardens.typepad.com is indeed a wonderful blog (written by a fantastic lady) but it's not a UK blog, it's Irish.

    Other blogs you might find useful are:
    (UK) http://bean-sprouts.blogspot.com/
    and Stonehead and GTM as mentioned above.
    (France) http://dalnd.blogspot.com/

    Many of these blogs also have links to other ones which I don't have bookmarked as well.


  16. Dear Rhonda Jean,
    I have written before, love your blog, am interested in swaps, could you please point me in the right direction, I am not that great at finding things on the computer. Thanking You
    Kathryn Frost

  17. Stoneheads! (Scotland)

  18. RJ
    I swear I had nothing to do with Emmani putting my blog suggestion up as well as my own! :D

    She's a regular reader and a lovely girl. I think we both posted at the same time.

    take care

  19. This one is more about teaching children, and indirectly their parents, to appreciate simple things and activities - www.westbankparkkids.blogspot.com/

    They meet once a week in a park in York, UK

  20. Hi Rhonda

    Here are my favourite UK blogs on living the simple life:

    Simple living in rural England
    Cottage Smallholder
    Somerset Seasons
    The Compostbin

    Simple living in rural Wales
    Codlins and Cream

    Making the food bill lighter from urban England - no pics but a lot of information and chat and a 'mature' blogger who's been living the frugal life for many years
    Shirley Goode's Cost Cutting Cookery

  21. I really enjoy this one:-
    She is a young mum with two twin girls living in Dorset. It's honest, personal and full of lovely photos.

  22. here is one...www.hattiesburgfungi.com

  23. "These Days in French Life" at

    These people inspire me with their ideals and things they strive to do! Check it out!


  24. Hi there, I am from CAnada and apply many of your principles to our life. We live with my parents on a large horse farm and are trying to be self sufficient.


    I hope you enjoy. I am a faithfrul reader and thanks for all you do to inspire me and my family as well as many others out there.

  25. Oh how I wish I could be one of your case studies. As it happens I am only 'aspiring' and starting in the simple life so cannot proclaim to be there yet. Feel free to pop by if you have time though. I am sure you have many blogs to look at though with all of these comments. Good luck with your endeavour.

  26. Hi Rhonda,
    Here are two fellow Canadian bloggers that I regularly read and enjoy:


  27. I agree with Rose and Kristina! "These Days in French Life" is a great blog!


  28. Well here is my addition. A small blog I enjoy reading from Italy I think.


  29. Check out http://stonehead.wordpress.com/ A great blog about the realities of crofting. Stoney was recently featured in The Observer newspaper. His blog is as real as it gets!

  30. Hi Rhonda,
    I am glad the book is keeping you busy. After the difficult times you have had this month I am sure it will be good for you and eventually when it is published it will be good for everyone. It must be great to know your book will be life changing (as is your blog).
    A month ago I said I would put some dog food in the collection box for the animal shelter. I wanted to let you know I have done that.
    I hope things continue to improve for you and Hanno.
    Best wishes, Eileen.

  31. Thanks for the links, everyone. I can't wait to read them.

    Eileen, you are one lovely lady. Hugs.

  32. carocoknits in canada:

  33. If you are after some more:

    Hedges Happenings: http://hedgeshappenings.wordpress.com/

    News from Bwlchryyd:


  34. Hi Rhonda I am in the UK and it was your thread that inspired me to start my blog:
    Hopefully I can be of some help as you have inspired so many x

  35. You might try http://www.downtotherootsmagazine.com/Blogs/index.htm

    She is from the US but has lived in Canada many years

  36. http://www.downtotherootsmagazine.com/Blogs/index.htm

    sorry it messed up when i posted it

  37. ok.. try www.downtotherootsmagazine.com and then go to her blogs. for some reason when i post, it is adding things behind it. Sorry for the mess ups. I am not very good at computer stuff

  38. we have only just started this year going "simple" not much on the blog but you are welcome to look! (Canada)

  39. We aren't up there 100% yet but we are trying to get that way. Feel free to check out my blog. Im in Southern Illinois in the US

  40. This is also a blog i read frequently: http://frugalveggiemama.blogspot.com/
    And did you know this one: http://veganruthie.blogspot.com/

    Ruthie is the one who brought me to your blog;)
    Now she is lives in Texas and i hope she is doing well. I think a lot about her because of the hurricane Ike.

    Annikka from the Netherlands

  41. UK blog - http://bee-leaf.blogspot.com/

  42. A Canadian one for you:



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