22 June 2008

Links for Stitchery

I know that some of you will do some stitchery on your swap items and I though you would enjoy the following links. I guess you could call this a "linktastic" post. Embroidery is a fun and portable craft that brightens up just about anything. It used to be a craft the young girls learned from their mothers and grandmothers starting with simple items such as tea towels. Today, it is a craft that sort of skipped a generation, but is slowly coming back into popularity. I have a few links that will help you learn both simple and complex stitches, as well as having free vintage patterns that are available on the Internet. One site that offers printable free vintage patterns is: http://mytransfers.blogspot.com/ . These are fun and whimsical patterns that are easy to do. Another blog that has vintage transfers and is very helpful for ideas is: http://stitchybritches.blogspot.com/ and in the side bar are sites that offer tutorials for stitches. Alicia Paulson's site: http://rosylittlethings.typepad.com/posie_gets_cozy/ is full of ideas for stitchery as well as other great crafts and she has a free pattern for Days of the Week tea towels that are a lot of fun. The last link I am giving you has the absolute best explanations on how to do almost any embroidery stitch I have found. Each stitch is found on the sidebar. Just click on the stitch and you will be find each step along with photos that explain how to sew it step-by-step. It makes it so easy to practice and learn, and is an invaluable resource for the embroiderer including using beads in stitchery: http://primrosedesign.blogspot.com/ . Next week-end I will post some great sewing links. If anyone would like any other links, such as those for quilting, leave me a comment, or e-mail me, Sharon at cdetroyes at yahoo dot com and I will start collecting links to post for you. Happy swapping!


  1. Hi,

    I would love to have links for sewing & quilting! I have started quilting within the last couple of years, am loving it & hope to for many more years!

  2. This is a fun search, Rhonda. If people google for Redwork designs they will find things that can be adapted for stitchery - like

    I have a lot of stiched and appliqued tea towels from my grandmother which I dearly love. Perhaps I should try to make my own, but not as tea towels which I don't really use....But other things would work for me - pillow cases, decoration on curtains or tote bags. I'll have to think about this.

  3. Rhonda,
    Thanks for the links!

  4. I found this site today with 327 Sewing blogs listed. Happy surfing. http://www.suzical.co.uk/sewing-blogs.html

  5. My mother taught me to cross-stitch, and there are plenty of free patterns online. And also, you can simply use your imagination and make up your own patterns. Fun fun fun. :-)

  6. Another site for some of the best vintage patterns is Vicki over at www.turkeyfeathers.typepad.com. Her site is PatternBee.com but she is shut down for a bit for revamping. I love her patterns!!!

  7. Thanks for this!
    Last week, I decided to make a small, homemade "taggy" blanket for a friend's baby--I was inspired by your blog to do something simple, homemade and inexpensive. I tried some embroidery on it for the first time, and I think it has turned out well. Thanks for compiling these links for future reference.

  8. Thanks so much for linking to my Stitch School embroidery posts! I'm getting lots of new visitors from it. Although it looks like I've covered every embroidery stitch imaginable, there are still more to go. I'll be working on more posts soon.

  9. Thanks for these links, Sharon. They're really good ones. I'm going to add Janet's stitch by stitch tutorials in my side bar. It's a wonderful resource for all of us. I'll certainly be using it.

    I love seeing the ladies here taking up their needles to make pretty and unique things for the family. Well done Kristi and Melinda

  10. Rhonda,

    Thank you for the links:) We are on a small vacation and I have my stitching in the car to work on as we go....I love just spending time making something pretty for my home:) You always have great ideas!!



  11. Hi Rhonda,

    The Monkey See site has some great tips for backward beginners to sewing like myself. It has videos and "experts" who do the demonstration.


    shows basic machine sewing and there is also basic hand sewing. I recommend it. This is not embroidery but it is basic sewing.

    Best wishes.

  12. Thanks so much for the links Rhonda, the free site will be perfect for finding all sorts of cool designs I want to do!

  13. Another source for free vintage cross stitch patterns is My Aunt's Attic - http://myauntsattic.web-log.nl/

  14. Thanks for all of your posts about stitching and for your free patterns! Since you've linked to Stitchy Britches, people may follow the link to the Hoop Love group on Flickr for vintage transfer patterns. But if not, it's at http://www.flickr.com/groups/hooplove/ It's another great place to find old patterns for free.


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