31 May 2008

Swap News

Everyone has the greatest suggestions for our next swap. I am putting them in a list-we have so many great ideas it will take many swaps to do them all! I am in the process of uploading the photos I have received this week to our flickr photostream and I hope to get the tea cosies uploaded this weekend-I am still receiving those photos. If you don't see your photo up, please re-send it to me in jpeg format so I can get it in its proper place. The creativity of all the ladies just astounds me. Tomorrow I will announce the winner(s)of the swap tote contest that Rhonda put me in charge of. Rhonda will be in charge of the prizes! Until tomorrow, Sharon


  1. Sharon,

    Pot holder swap or table runner swap, the later just prior to Christmas would be good.

  2. Hello Sharon
    Just wanted to say what a wonderful job you do....not always an easy one, but as you do it with ease, we sometimes forget all the hassles.
    Well done.
    Julie in Australia

  3. silversewer I think the table runner idea for the holidays or an ornament is a great idea. Julie-thank-you, I try to make the swaps as much fun as possible, and the hassles as few as I can!


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