15 May 2008

And the winner is ...

Thank you to everyone who entered this draw. I'm quite humbled by the number of you who would like to own the stitchery. There can be only one winner though. Shane drew the slip of paper from my hat with the name - Marilyn on it! Marilyn wrote her comment at 14 May 2008 09:08. Marilyn, would you please email me - rhondahetzelatgmaildotcom with your posting details.

Please excuse my floury finger. I'd just kneaded the bread and put it on to rise. : - )

I will try to get back again this afternoon to answer some of the comments. Shane is here now and the three of us will be having lunch soon.

I wish I had the money to send everyone a special homemade gift. If you're interested in stitchery, tomorrow I'll do a post to get you started.



  1. My goodness, that WAS a lot of comments, wasn't it??!!! Nothing less than you, or your crafts deserve Rhonda, I'm sure. Congratulations, on so many things.

  2. Congratulations Marilyn, what a fantastic present, something stitched by Rhonda. I am very jealous :-)

    I would love to see a post on stitchery Rhonda, I will be attempting your lovely "Live Simply" sampler soon. I have yet to figure out how to transfer the picture onto the material and what backing to get for it, but I think you have a post on it somewhere in your blog so will search it out when I am ready to start.

    Hope you have a great lunch with Shane, take care
    Steph xxx

  3. Our computer has crashed 3 times in the last month, all times needing to be re-formated. Guess what is the first thing that gets added back into the favourites folder? THIS BLOG! I absolutely love it Rhonda. Its the first thing I do in the morning when I get up at 5am - I make a hot cup of tea, and sit and read your blog. Im slowly making my way through the archives. You are such and inspiration.


  4. Congratulations to Marilyn! How lovely to be able to have that stitchery in your home to inspire you. Diana x

  5. Marilyn, you lucky you! Congrats!

    I'm curious to see your post on stitchery, Rhonda. Hope you have a nice day with your son!
    Today's my daughters third birthday, I have a banana/walnut cake in the oven we're really looking forward to!

    Christine from the NL

  6. Congrats Marilyn. You won yourself a very lovely piece of stitchery. I tried to win it myself but I'm still happy you did.

    Rhonda - have a wonderful visit with your son and I'm looking forward to your post on stitchery. I've just recently started (with small projects) myself and I LOVE it. Calms the mind.

  7. yes please, I'd love you to do some posts on stitchery, something I really want to try. Thank you for the draw, it was nice to be a part of it.

    and congrats to Marilyn, enjoy!

  8. Rhonda, can you explain how you got the quilt behind the woman in the center of this stitchery? Was the woman appliqued last? Did you fit the quilt fabric in around her? Inquiring minds want to know.

    I am eager to see your stitchery post. I really admire your work and would like to design some of my own.

  9. Congratulations Marilyn!! How wonderful to have such a beautiful piece made by Rhonda, it's so pretty! Enjoy! Heather (Ontario, Canada)

  10. Congratulations Marilyn!

  11. I've missed a few days... just catching up. The giveaway is adorable and congratulations on your first year. Please continue... I love to read your writings.

  12. wow so many comments

    i did leave a question amongst them all i will repeat it here if thats ok

    I have over the last few months used lots of your recipes chilli chutney, cleaning recipes,bread today i have been making the "bread and butter cucumbers" as i found some on sale ,i just wondered about the name???

    Also which book is it you want by john seymour??

    Sharron in the UK

  13. Oh Marilyn you lucky girl, I would have just loved Rhonda's stitching. Now I will have to do one of my own. I will be waiting for tonights post (it still Thursday here)with anticipation.

    Have a good day.

    Pippa x


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