18 February 2008

Tea Cosy Swap

Hello swappers- I just wanted to remind everyone that most of the tea cosies should be winging their way to their new homes this week. When you receive your parcel please let us know and e-mail a photo to me (Sharon) cdetroyes at yahoo dot com so in a bit I can post a "parade" of the tea cosies. The photos I have received so far are a reminder of what a creative and artistic blog "family" we have. Every time I open a swap parcel sent to me it is like a long distance hug and the talent is just amazing!! We are already thinking of the next swap, so be ready for more fun! Sharon


  1. I received a beautiful cosy from Hannah. I will send pictures in the next day or so. I have sent mine and it should be arriving soon unless my local post office has more "malfunctions"!


  2. You asked the other day for suggestions for future swaps. How about slip-cases for glasses (spectacles)? They are small and easy to post and one can be very creative in design for them. They can also be made using a number of different crafts (quilting, embroidery, crochet, knitting....etc!)
    For an example see this site

  3. I have send my tea cosy to Mary today. This was so much fun. Thank you. A suggestion - A pin cushion.

  4. Lilymarlene and Sandra those are two really good ideas. We have so many good ideas that we will have swaps for quite a while! I hope everyone had a good week-end and we are keeping a nicle list of all the ideas so let us know!

  5. Sorry I missed out on this swap as it's just my cup of tea!

    I wanted to thank you for listing The T-Cozy on your blog roll. It is much appreciated and I've added your lovely site to my blog roll, as well.

    Warm regards,

  6. Sharon,

    I recieved the coolest patchwork tea cosy from VOUS! It is very retro, 1930's colors...my fave and it has heart and teapot buttons on it....buttons buttons..luvem.

    Do I have to get tea on it??

    Hugs, Christine
    (photo coming)

  7. I mailed mine before the deadline but haven't heard that it was received yet... : )

  8. Hi there

    I've been having lots of problems with trying to access yahoo recently to email so have finally decided to just leave a comment here. I received a beautiful tea-cosy from Renee on Monday (Thanks Renee! I love it!). Will send a photo to you, Sharon as soon as I can.

    Thanks again, this was great fun!


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