16 January 2008

The growing challenge

Melinda over at Elements in Time has a great gardening challenge going at the moment. Check it out here.


  1. i signed up for this challenge. not sure what new and interesting veggies i'll grow, but you can bet it will be something! great challenge and thank you for letting us know about it. there is also another challenge going called "the 100 foot challenge" sponsored by the folks at "path to freedom" simply put, it is a commitment to home produce all or part of at least one meal per week in your own backyard. you can read more about it on my blog:

  2. HI There! I just stumbled in after doing a blogger search on natural living...I am so amazed and pleased with this site! This is everything I need to know! Thanks so much for archiving all of this useful stuff. You are definitely going into my favorites...xoxo, Hil

  3. HI jayedee, thanks for letting us know about the second challenge. Path to freedom is one of my favourites. They visit here sometimes too.

    Welcome Hil. : - )

  4. Rhonda Jean, Thank you so much for telling your readers about this Challenge! It's going to be a lot of fun. I think that several participants have joined by way of your blog, and interest continues to grow - I'm very excited!

    Have a lovely day!

  5. Thanks for letting me know about this challenge. I rushed over and joined up right away. I have a few things that I'm trying from seed that's new this year, and a couple more things I've never done but don't require seed (sweet potatoes).
    I also wanted to say that I love your site! I'm looking forward to trying the soap tutorial, as I've always wanted to do that but never really knew how.


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