12 January 2008

The Daily Dose

I've been kindly given the Daily Dose award by two of the lovely ladies who read here. Lib at Lib's Private Paradise and Tracy at Seaside Enchantement. Thanks gals! Both these ladies have great blogs so if you haven't visited them yet, do yourself a favour and click on the links.

This is from Xandra the creator of The Daily Dose Award.:
"This little award is called The Daily Dose - and here is all the important info to tell you what it is about and where it came from. This is a tribute to all the blogs that you've discovered that you can't possibly live without. They make you laugh, cry, think and feel connected every time you read a post. They give you a thrill as you see them loading into your browser and you get an equally satisfying thrill when you see that they have commented on your blog."

The swap partners list will be posted later this morning.


  1. Congratulations! You really deserve it. It's a great blog that I really recommend. You have great tips on simple living. I get so much from it and it reminds me of things my grandmother taught me way back when. Either way it's a smile in my day. :-)

  2. Hi Rhonda Jean,
    You are welcome.You deserve it. I love your Blog. Thanks again for all the time you put into each post.

  3. Fantastic Rhonda-you deserve it!


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