21 January 2008

Choosing Eden

Don't you just love blogs! Here we all are in various parts of the world, being inspired and changed by people we don't know but feel we do because we read their blog. I guess the best part of any good blog for me is the sharing - the showing of another life in minute detail, seeing inside other homes; being privy to the thoughts of someone many miles away is strangely hypnotic and always fascinating. I feel privileged to look and meet the family, I admire and celebrate the creativity and I melt at some of the phrases and sentences that explain their life and the living of it.

There is only one blog I visit every day but I have several I visit when I have the time. My time on the computer is limited and I want to get the best value for the time I have available. When I read a blog I want to be changed by it. I want to be moved. I want it to make me think. I also want to experience the generosity of the blog - through the telling of the story, the showing of the projects and the sharing of the creativity that makes it all possible.

In my experience, bloggers are a generous bunch. There are so many who freely share and invite readers to use their ideas and patterns. There is an element of worldwide sisterhood in many of the blogs that I find charming and I have no doubt that if these women got together for real coffee rather than the cyber kind, the respect and joy would overflow for all to see.

And speaking of generosity, I am fortunate to extend the generosity of one of the readers here to everyone. A couple of weeks ago Dot sent me a book she thought I might be interested in reading. She asked that after I read it to give it to someone who reads my blog. The book is called Choosing Eden by Adrienne Langman. It's a first hand account of a middle aged couple who give up their life in the city, and all the frills that go with middle class city living, to move to the country to establish a self-sufficient farm that will support and nurture them. It's a good read.

Thank you Dot. : - ) You can check out Dot's own blog here.

If you're a regular reader here, please enter your name in the comments box. I will draw a name from a hat and post the book to the winner.


  1. Hello Rhonda Jean,

    Please enter me in your drawing. That looks like a great book. Thanks,


  2. Hi Rhonda - I love reading your very inspiring blog! Please enter me. thanks.

  3. Hi Rhonda,
    Please enter my name in the draw.
    Thanks for keeping me inspired
    Rhonda Gay

  4. Please enter me in the book drawing. I promise I will pass the book on after I read it if I am chosen.
    Thank you for writing the one blog I read every day,

  5. Hello Rhonda:

    Please enter my name in the draw. Thanks. I, too, promise to pass it along if I am the lucky one.
    Thanks for the continuous inspiration. Have a great day.
    Liane :)

  6. Hi Rhonda, Thanks for the blog, I love reading it! Please also enter me in your draw and I too will pass it on once finished... thanks. Annet
    grizzlykoala at gmail dot com

  7. Hi Rhonda, Please enter me, I'm a very regular visitor with a tendency to lurk (and need to reply to you re flower essences too, sorry I've been so slow). Love all your blog has to offer and share. Thank you. Diana

  8. Hi Rhonda,
    Just wanted to say that I have borrowed the same book from my local library, only last week. I am looking forward to reading it, but don't wish to be entered in the draw.(I am trying to reduce my book collection, not add to it).
    For those who miss out on winning, perhaps you could check your local library for a copy.

  9. Oh, please enter me too! I love a good real life story.

  10. I'm a regular reader (although not a regular poster, in general), but I love your blog, and would love to get in on this drawing. More and more I find myself wanting to get away, as the book suggests, and I'd love to have a chance to read their story.

  11. Sounds interesting, so throw me into the hat too...lol

  12. Please enter my name into the draw. The book looks a great read. Thanks.

  13. I would love to read this book. Please enter me in the draw.
    Thanks for all the inspiration,

  14. Dear Rhonda,

    As an avid quilter, I found your Blog on a quilter friend's one (you know the story), and I was hooked ! By the way, many quilters are reading you...
    I don't often comment (I'm not the "shy" kind of girl, but I've got sooo much to learn from you, so : better read, look and think over ! :>) ), but your Blog is one of my first read, each morning. The simple living you are having, and explaining to us is so inspirational, and a big contribution to a greener, healthier world. I'm trying to practice it every day, from my "little corner of the world", through small, insignificant-looking details, step-by-step :>) slowly but surely, and I'm feeling happier, doing it... Your choice also corresponds to a special book that has greatly influenced me :
    "The Simple Abundance" by Sarah Ban Bretnach. Written as a book of days, it helps finding happiness in the simple things of life, through a simple,authentic healthy way of living. No need to say, I would now LOVE reading that book you are generously offering as a giveaway ! I'm crossing my fingers (and toes !) that you draw my name :>) If so, I commit myself to send it to another avid reader, among the ones commenting this post...

    Gratefully, with a big ((HUG)) and smiles from Belgium,

  15. I'd love to be included in the draw and will definitely pass it on afterwards via my blog :)

  16. Hi Rhonda,
    I am a daily visitor to your blog, just love your ideas and challenges. The book sounds like a great read so please enter me into the drawer. I too will pass it on when I have finished reading. Thanks,


  17. Me too please! Although I will understand if you balk at sending it to the UK...!
    And I will pass it on to someone who will benefit from it too.....!

  18. Rhonda,
    I would love to read the book and pass it on to others, so please enter my name in the draw. Have a relaxing but productive day.


  19. Rhonda,

    Please enter me in you drawing.

    Perhaps you could sign the inside of the book with your name, country and date and a small sentiment. If the winner does the same and passes it along when she has finished reading it, one could track the progress of the book as it makes it's journey around the world. just an idea.

    Hope you are having a wonderful Monday!


    PS I wanted to let you know that in order to jump start others to try the Three Gifts Challenge I have decided to do a quick easy giveaway. I am offering two knitted dishcloth, hoping that the blogger who wins them will love them and see that they are better than paper towels and paper napkins that are filling up the landfills.

    Now if I could just find something creative to do with those pesky plastic bags!

  20. Hi Rhonda,

    I, too, would love to be in the drawing. I usually start my day reading your gems of wisdom. I like the idea Christine had about the note and sending it forward.

    Dolores in NC, USA

  21. christine, I love the idea of the inscription and I will definately do that. I'm doing a follow up on the 3 gifts challenge tomorrow. Stay tuned. : )

  22. Hi Rhonda, I'd love to be in your draw...read your blog every day, you are definitely an inspiration!
    Thanks, Amy

  23. Put me down....

    I don't often comment but I read your blog every day. I heard about this book and have wanted to read it. It sounds as if you enjoyed it.

  24. Sounds like a lovely book, Rhonda. I'd love to be added, thank you.

  25. Sounds like a great read! Please add my name to the drawing.

    LaRee, USA

  26. Goodmorning, I have this book on order at the local library. Would love to add it to our collection.
    Bev C

  27. Hi Rhonda,
    Please put me in the draw. I need some cheering up, and some inspriation.

  28. yup I am a subscriber to your blog and read every post thru bloglines, would LOVE to read this book,...
    right now we are considering making a move to a more rural area and downsizing our life style and home...
    this would be perfect...

  29. I would enjoy reading the book.


  30. I remember these people! They featured on the TV show The Real Seachange. They were the reason I tuned into the show! Her laugh cracked me up. Coming out of lurkdom to say that I enjoy your blog very much and I'm feeling like a coiled spring. I've been absorbing a lot of information you have given and very soon i shall be springing forth and get to work turning my place into nirvana.

  31. Looks like a wonderful read! Please count me in as well!!


  32. Hello Rhonda:
    I'm one of your readers who is regularly inspired by your blog. Please keep up the good work - and please enter me in your drawing. Thanks much!

    Helen in CA

  33. Rhonda,

    Please enter my name although I am only 38. Should you give it to someone a little older? If so that will be Okay:)



  34. Hi Rhonda, I'd love to go in the draw, I've heard a great many good things about this book :-) Cheers, Julie

  35. Hi Rhonda,

    Please put me in the draw as well. Thanks for inspiring me.


  36. I'd love to be included in the drawing... it sounds like a great book!

    Teri in CO

  37. Hello, Rhonda~
    Please include me in your drawing.
    This book sounds wonderful!

    Thank you,

  38. I'd love to be in the draw for the book too Rhonda. It sounds like a great read.

    thanks Lenny

  39. I've been reading your blog for about a month now. I just adore the homey-ness of it. Please enter me in your drawing. :)

  40. G'day Rhonda! Thanks for the opportunity.

  41. Thanks everyone for entering. Renee, you're not too young for the book. It's a great case study for all ages.

    Welcome to those who haven't commented before.

  42. Please enter my name in the draw for the book.

    I love reading your blog! I'm learning a heck of a lot. I especially love seeing photos of what's growing in your garden.

    Love Kendall

  43. Oh Oh Oh The first giveaway Ive ever entered. Hope you will accept a entry from your Kiwi reader and fellow blogger. By the way the comment about the one blog you read every day...well I read your every day. Such inspiration!! Thaks

  44. Hi Rhonda Jean, this sounds a bit like our story so I'm interested. please enter me into your draw and I think the idea of the book being sent on is great.

  45. OOOh OOOh Pick me Pick me.

    Helen Thomas

  46. Ah, great! I'm glad you enjoyed the book. I thought it was a 'good read' as well. (smile) Hopefully the next person to read it will also enjoy it.

  47. Would love to read it and then we would pass it on too !
    Bear and Ted

  48. I love reading blogs and do have a couple that I visit each week, if I have time on a daily basis, your blog is the one I visit most.

    I'd be honoured to be included in the draw. Thank you.

  49. Hello Rhonda
    I love reading your blog. You are so inspiring and motivational to keep the dream alive.
    Please enter me into your draw.

  50. Sounds a good book to read. Please enter my name.

  51. What an awesome name for a book. It gives a feeling of peace and wellbeing just through it's front cover!!! I'd love to read it and pass it on. :)

    Also wanted to say thanks very much for the wonderful advice you left on my blog a little while back for my garden. I added potash as you suggested and we're now harvesting the first fruits of the tomatoes and corn. It's bringing us a lot of pleasure and excitement. I NEVER thought I would get this excited about my garden (nor did I think I'd ever knit a tea cosy - but I am! ;) ).

  52. Hi I am almost too late but would love to enter the draw please.
    Keep up the great work Rhonda, thanks from Emily

  53. Hi Rhonda,
    I love reading your article with mum even though I am only 13 years old. Mum and I are hopefully going to have a home-made Christmas for 2008 and we think your site is the perfect guide to do that. We have already started making bread among other things. Please enter me in your book contest because it looks like a very interesting book. If you have any other home-made gift ideas, we would be grateful to hear from you.
    Megan & Mum

  54. Hi Rhonda Jean, I'm a regular reader and would like to be in the drawing. I love to read inspirational books. Terry

  55. Oh me, me! I want to play!!


  56. Hi Rhonda Jean , I'm a regular reader and although I don't comment much , I am truly inspired by your way of life.
    I will be posting my 3 Gifts Challenge today ~ little late , but better late than never.
    Please sign me up for your give-away , the book sounds like it would be a good read.

    Hope your day is wonderful.

  57. Good morning Rhonda Jean,
    Your blog is my homepage! You've inspired me so much with your simple way of life. I would really appreciate being entered into your draw (and would pass it on if I win).
    What Adrienne Langman and her husband have done is exactly what my husband and I wish to do with our children. We're in the process of looking for a small homestead now to get started living off the land.
    Thank you for sharing all your wonderful thoughts and ideas. They mean the world to so many of us and keep us going every day.
    Karen proverbshome@yahoo.ca

  58. Hi Rhonda Jean,

    Thanks for visiting my blog last week :) I haven't been online for a few days and have loved catching up on your recent posts. Please enter me in your draw. I'll pass it on if I'm the lucky winner.

    And I'll get round to posting about my 3 gifts soon!

  59. Oh I would love this!!! We are essentially trying to do the same thing slowly but surely. Hubby is a little more hesitant than I.
    I love reading your blog - yours is one that makes you think.
    I do try to make mine thought provoking, though sometimes its just live being lived online. LOL!
    Anwyas, thanks for considering my family!

  60. Pick me, pick me! LOL.

    We have 3.3 acres in Ohio and plan to start overhauling the property this year, God willing.

    That book looks great.

  61. what a good read this sounds like. please throw my name in the hat as it apparently has not made it's way to the states yet! good luck everyone!

  62. Hello Rhonda,
    Please enter me in your drawing. I find your blog ideas very encouraging. Thanks!

  63. I have just recently found your blog and read it every day. I find your posts both challenging and inspiring. I like that. I like being challenged to look at how I live my life and being inspired that I can make a difference! Thank you. Would you please enter me in the drawing for the book?

  64. Please enter my name in your drawing for the book. Thank you-Birdie

  65. Rhonda Jean, please enter my name in the drawing. It sounds like a very good book! :)


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