25 November 2007

Three blogs to read

Yes, it's the second post today but I wanted to write about a few additional things.

There are a few blogs I want to recommend you read. The first is Julie's. Julie has
been going back to basics and writing about it every day for the past month. It's very interesting and definitely worth reading.
Julie's blog - Towards Sustainability

Kim is following the rigorous Riot for Austerity 90% reduction and doing well. Read about her efforts here, and the very interesting recounting of her day on her home page.
Kim's bog - Hedge's Happenings

Melinda at Elements in Time is grappling with the difficulties of her extended family's continuing consumerist lifestyle. She writes an insightful post about it on her blog and there are photos of a Thanksgiving dinner there which, to an Australian, were very interesting.

1 comment

  1. Wow, no wonder my stats suddenly shot up today, LOL. Thanks Rhonda, a recomendation coming from you is a wonderful compliment :-)


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