3 November 2007

Routines no. 2

From Anastasia in USA
5:00am - Get up. Fix DH breakfast and pack his lunch. Visit with him until he leaves at
6:30.6:30am - Read Bible.
7am - Check email, Pay any bills.Get organized for the day! Check a few blogs
8am - shower & get dressed
8:15am - Fix breakfast for kids. Start laundry, Run dishwasher.
9-11am - Homeschool
11am - Fix lunch, Clean kitchen, Get anything out for dinner, More laundry
1pm - Project of some sort. Either cleaning or organizing or maybe sewing or a craft
2pm - Quiet time. Hopefully a short nap.
3pm - Time w/kids. Errands? Maybe library?
5pm - Start dinner6pm - Eat dinner
6:30pm - Family time
7:30pm - Start getting kids ready for bed. Showers etc...
8:30pm - Kids in bed. Time with DH
9-10pm - Bedtime somewhere in there.
If we have a special errand to run or a big grocery shop, we go in the morning instead of schooling and school during the 3-5 time slot...

Hannah from Australia
My new and improved routine is:
5:30 wake get up, have a drink and get dressed
6am go to the gym/or to mentoring meeting Wednesday
7:30 home have breakfast and read an inspiration book or the bible and pray
Do some washing/gardening/sewing
9am Go to work
5:30pm finish work and go to Gym and/or meeting eg volunteer work at church, music practice, seedsavers, food co-op, bible study
Monday and Friday nights I don’t have anything on and sometimes have friends for dinner or go to theirs.
9:30 home tidy/washing/sewing
Sometimes watch some TV
10:30 bed

From Quinne in the USA
7 am up & shower
730 Q quiet time
8 M up & first 5’s
830 S up, breakfast, Bible story
9 school
930 “10 “1030 project outside
11 “1130 playtime
12pm lunch
1230 housework project
1 playtime
130 read alouds
2 MS rest time / Q heavy housework, school prep, etc
230 “3 “330 MQ dishes / S (continue nap)
4 MQ prep supper / S snack
430 housework (training - folding laundry, dusting, etc)
5 playtime / Daddy home
530 supper
6 play or project with Daddy
630 “7 family playtime
730 clean up & baths
8 last 5’s & family Bible time
830 MS bedtime
9 JQ work
930 “10 “1030 “11 JQ date time
1130 JQ bedtime

From Della in Ohia USA
a normal day for me includes;
* let dog out
* make coffee
* get dog, give him water
* check food and water for cats
* coffee while I read email
* breakfast
* shower, dress
* make bed, tidy bedroom and bath
* carry dirty laundry to laundry room
* give dog his meds
* take my meds
* clean one room of house depending on day of week
* lunch
* take dog out
* knit or quilt
* computer time
* watch Dr. Phil
* begin cooking dinner
* watch evening news
* dinner
* dishes, tidy kitchen and sweep
* knit or quilt or tv
* give dog his meds
* take my meds
* take dog out
* bed

From Shaunta in Nevada USA
5:45 a.m. Wake up. Spend half an hour coming alive, checking myemail, reading the news online, etc.
6:15 a.m. Wake up my two teenagers. Spend the next forty-five minutesgetting all of us ready for school (I'm a teacher's aide.) Get stuff ready for my two-year-old for when she wakes up.
7 a.m. Scrape the ice off my windshield, then drive everyone around totheir schools. End up at the high school myself for my job at 8 a.m.
8 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. Work as a special education teacher's aide.
3:30 to 4:30 p.m. Deal with afterschool stuff for the big kids. On Tuesday, Thursday and Friday we all come home now. On Monday and Wednesday I have class so my hubby comes and picks up the kids and Istay in town to prepare for class.
4:30 to 8:00 p.m. If it's Tuesday, Thursday or Friday: make dinner,play with my baby, hang with my husband until he leaves for work at 6:30 or so.
8:00 p.m. Go lie down with the baby. About half the time I fall asleep with her and wake up sometime in the middle of the night to find that my wonderful big kids have gotten themselves in bed. The half of the time I get up about 9 and spend an hour or so writing.

From Rachel in Tasmania Australia with four kids
Get up
Put the kettle on, make brekkie for 6 of us, of course each kid wants a different brekkie!
Make sandwiches for the older two and if Lachlan is at kinder for that day.
Get kids ready ie - Yell at them to get dressed etc
Go and get the kids to feed the goat and chooks
Put the washing machine on - I do a load a day easily
Get myself ready and Mason the toddler- this may include a shower for me.
Make bed, vaccum, hang up washing and have a quick general tidy up.
Take the kids to school
Go on any errands that need to be done such as playgroup, libraryHome for lunch - put Mason to bed
Gardening - have a big veggie patch - water and harvest or replant
Play with Mason/Lachlan if home, make bikkies for afternoon tea or cake
Bring washing in and put it straight away - dont iron very often
Pick up kids - scoff down afternoon tea.
Start preparing tea
Cook Dinner
Get kids ready for bed
Check menu plan for next nights dinner and get out anything that is needed.
Watch news
Read 3 books to Lachlan, console Zac - my eldest boy is a worry, give Nikki some encouraging words, put Mason to bed.
Ahhhh - another cuppa with Peter and watch some tv or read a book.
Bed usually by 9pm.

Libby in Wollongong Australia
6am Up and dress in gym clothes.
Check e-mails/ read blogs
7 -8am Put on load of washing
Help girls to do morning jobs
Make breakfast
Clean up kitchen
8am Breakfast
Get girls ready for school
Clean up kitchen
8.30am Leave for school/gym
9am – 10am Gym
10am Morning Tea /check e-mail
Shower and get dressed
11am – 12pm Pet care – brush dogs / attend to chooks
Any jobs needing done
12 -12.30pm Lunch
12.30 – 2.30pm Free time – usually try to scrapbook
2.30 – 3.30pm Collect kids from school
3.30pm Make dinner / check e-mail
Afternoon activities for kids
Bring in washing, do any ironing
Water veggie garden
5.30pm Christy Bath Amy homework
6.00pm – 6.30pm Dinner
6.30 -7.00pm Tidy kitchen
7.30pm Christy’s bedtime
Watch TV

Karen in Switzerland
Monday - Friday morning routine
Get up 6.35am after listening to the alarm radio of BBC news andlocal Geneva news. Wake children -3 of them. That is their firstcall. Me off to the kitchen. Look at the view of the mountain. In thewinter look at the car lights miandering down the mountain and watchthe snow line fall. In the summer watch the clouds to see where theweather is coming from. Feed 2 cats. Prepare a lemon juice andwater, go to computer, read news headlines and Rhonda's Blog.
7 am Second call for the children. Hope that they all have clothes otherwise panic starts. Do breakfasts. 3 children out of the door at either 7.20 or 7. 50 depending on their bus or train after doing ourcheck list. Comb hair, money, keys, ipod, phones, gym kit, clean teeth. Me, have breakfast with husband. Husband out to work, Me -putload of washing on then shower.
Monday I now have daughter no. 1 at home until either 10 am or 12 noondepending on her schedule so quite housework. Ironing, tidying,washing up, dishwasher, make/change beds, clean kitchen. Lunch for daughter 1 if she goes out late. Son - home at 12. 15. Cook lunch for him.
2 pm go to the Co-op for basics with child no 3. He likes toplay games in Interdiscount whilst I shop. PM more washing andhoover and mop floors through.
3. 15 pm, children start arriving homeso things do do, forms to complete etc. Spend time with children. Prepare and light fire, Cook supper. Eat 7.30 pm when husband gets in. Evening with husband and book or just a fire and peace.
Tuesday - After they have gone, do beds , tidy kitchen, dust house.10.45 am - Me to French class. Pm alternate Tuesdays French Conversation . Otherwise it is more housework, more ironing usually,another load of washing to hang up. Pm same as Monday.
Wednesday -morning routine the same - talk to mother on the phone. Usually 1-2 hours. She likes/ needs to talk. Clean toilets and sinks,
12. 15 child no. 3 home from school, 12.30 pm. Fetch child no. 2 from school. She does Italian as an extra so no bus.
1 pm homeand cook lunch for 3.
Pm more school things, some gardening generalhousework.
4. 24 pm Fetch child no 1 from train, go to dump with paper etc. and then the Co-op for more basics.
Thursday - Clean showers and bathroom, more washing. Pm - me toStitchers, my sewing class with IWCN. International Womens Club of Nyon.
Friday - Bin Bags to go out. Hoover through and mop for weekend. Putwashing machine on. Sometimes coffee with friends. 12 Noon meetdaughter number 1 from train and pm Shop for weekend either in France- 20 minutes away - or at the local Co-op. Cook something nice for Friday weekend tea. Film for evening in front of the fire.
This is my basic routine but there are things like vets, Orthodentistand Opticians etc. to fit in as needed.
Weekend. Saturday Am dump - Wash Gym Kit - 3 lots, Big Rubbish.,shop at local farmers shop or whatever else 'needs' to be bought. Try not to shop as I hate doing it on Saturdays but it is the only chance my husband gets. Lunch usually home-made soup. PM garden, fetch and carry children to their friends or other activities or places, Garden.

Sundays - try to relax, read, garden, go for a walk or in the wintergo to the snow.
I still have to improve on my housework routine but it is madedifficult by the seemingly constant attendance of children in thehouse. Part of the Swiss schooling system.
Our day/week revolves around the three meal times and everythingelse fits in between them. The two unmovable things are the dump onWednesdays only open between 3 and 6 pm and Friday Bin Day.

Brigit in Toowomba Australia
6.00am Get up, let out dog for wee walk, make coffee, put on a load of washing. Make breakfast, eat same. (Not a morning person, so takes a while to get going)
7.00. Check emails, blogs, websites, etc.
7.30 DH leaves for work so, shower, get dressed, make bed.
8.00 Take the dog for a walk
9.00 Back from walk and wash dog's feet from above walk, hang out washing, check vegie garden and pick anything that's ready (this doesn't take long as we have a very small garden, not like yours) Put on second load of washing and do any handwashing.
10.00 Cup of coffee and write out weekly menu plan and shopping list from grocery specials flyers.
10.30 - 11.30 Housework, Monday is vacuuming & dusting lounge and dining room and 2 bedrooms, usually after a weekend when we've had friends to stay there's a bit of extra tidying up to do. Hang second load of washing.
11.30 -12.00 Back to computer to check emails and answer any etc. 12.00 If DH is in town he comes home for lunch, so start making lunch. If its winter its usually soup, so would make that in the morning straight after getting back from my walk.
12.30 Lunch with Don till 1.00pm usually, maybe a bit longer if the cricket is on TV!
1.00 - 4.00 To the shops for weekly groceries. I shop all the specials at each store and fruit and veg at the fruitbarn, so takes me a while. I live in a fairly small town and don't have to drive far to do this and I have the time, so it saves us money doing it this way. Also doing some Christmas shopping as I see things at the moment.
4.00 Take in washing, potter in garden, can't water anything, but use saved shower water on vegies on a rotating basis. Remake beds, sheets get changed on Monday.
4.30 - 5 Put away rest of washing and iron for half an hour
5.00 DH comes home by 5 till 5.30 most days, so our time to catch up and have a glass of wine and check out the garden.
6.00 Start dinner, possibly earlier if something needs longer in the oven, or later if I've made something that lasts two nights (there are only 3 of us). If the oven is on I try and make a slice/muffins/biscuits at the same time, but don't always manage this.
7.00 Eat dinner
7.30 Clean up kitchen and make a cup of coffee and then read whatever I have on the go at the moment, usually more than one book, so whatever I feel like, even recipe books for inspiration! Try and remember to get Andrew's (son) dinner out of fridge in time to heat up for when he finishes work at 9pm (depends how good the book is!)
9.30 Watch Andrew Denton's show, depending on who he has on, my favourite show of the week, he's the best interviewer on TV. I probably watch too much TV at night, something I need to think about.
10.30 Put the dishwasher on and after a quick pick up of the family room and a swish of the bathroom, time for bed.

From Peggy in USA
I don't use a alarm clock but always wake up at 5:45 each morning
Get dressed,brush hair and teeth, wash face grab the milk bucket and any scraps I have for the chickens and head outside
Feed the cats that are waiting on the porch
Stop by the dog lot and give the dogs a treat (they have automatic feeder)
Open the feed room door and get the feed buckets ready for chickens, geese &ducks and rabbits. Check the chickens while I am feeding them, check out the geese and ducks while giving them their feed, and check the rabbits and right now their babies while feeding them and making sure they have dry clean bedding, get the goat feed and milk bucket and head for the goat penmake sure the goats are okay while feeding, get diva and head to the milk stall.
After milking her take her back to pen and get sammi for milking. after milking sammi I pour a little of the milk in the kittens bowl by the feed room.
give the goats some hay and get the feed ready for the momma hens and chicks, the peacock and turkey. Feed them and grab the waterhose to make my rounds giving everyone fresh water.
After watering I give fresh bedding to animals that need it. grab the milk bucket and head into the house.
Strain and put away the milk. clean bucket and straining cloth and put away. Have a bowl of oatmeal and glass of juice while I check my emails for soap sells.
Package soap orders and make trip to post office to mail. Make bed (like to let air for awhile each morning) Fill washtubs for 2 loads of laundry. Get laundry done and hung out. Rake out chicken pen and put rakings on mulch pile. Same with geese and duck pen and decide to do goat and dog pens tomorrow.
Sweep off porches and steps, mix a batch of soaps, make some candles.
Get some tea and a sandwich while I check emails again and read some blogs. Also work on my etsy shop to update.
Work on paperwork, feed the iguana and clean his cage. Sweep the floors and straighten up the house (except kitchen as workman is still in there)
Go visit neighbor and put her new arrived cards in her scrapbook I made for her.
Come home grab the milk bucket and start on evening chores. Same as morning except I gather the days eggs. Make sure everyone has clean fresh water.
Strain put the milk away,
Finish the cheese I started yesterday. Clean up the kitchen from the workman's day.
Bring firewood and stack on porch and build small fire.
Make my evening meal and eat while checking emails and getting soap orders to fill tomorrow. Wash and put away my dishes, take a shower and put on pj's
Relax with a nice cup of hot chocolate while reading today's mail and newspaper and watching a little tv.
After watching the 11 pm news I go out and check on all the animals, make sure everything is put away and cleaned up in the house. Brush my teeth and get in bed around midnight.

Rebekka in Copenhagen Denmark
Got up at 6 am. Took a shower, moisturised, dried my hair, ate breakfast (plain yoghurt with muesli and a cup of coffee), checked my email, did a little bit of makeup. My husband got up at 7:15, right before I left. I'm slow in the morning so I give myself plenty of time to get around.
I rode my bicycle to the hospital where I'm in my clinical placement. It takes about 15 minutes to get there. My placement is a gerontopsychiatric ward (old people). I'm there from 7:30 to 15 most days. Yesterday I had my own patient for the first time, she was very aggressive but she did let me help her be washed in the end. At 10 o'clock I had an evaluation meeting with my clinical advisors. Then at 10 minutes to 12 I ran over to the kiosk and bought a sandwich, ran back to the building and went up to the 3rd floor where there was a lecture and discussion with the other nursing students who are doing psychiatry right now.
At 14:45 we were finished and I rode my bicycle over to the Pharmaceutical Instititute, which is right across the street from where I live. There was an information session for our 6th semester clinical placements, which start in February. It was sort of boring, I've heard most of it before. It started at 15 and was finished at 16:15.
I rode my bicycle down to the closest S-train station and left my bicycle there. I took the train to Frederiksberg, which is a little city like an island in Copenhagen. From the station I walked 10 minutes to Skt. Mariæ Church where I met some people for dinner in the church hall. There is also a convent there and one of our group was one of the sisters, she is so sweet and funny. It was the first time I had been with the group because I just started going there. An old Irish priest came, too. After we had eaten together (potatoes, fried meatballs, homebaked bread, a sort of stewed fruit mix of pears, apples, prunes and bacon--yummy!--and some salad) we cleaned up and then went over to a room under the priest's residence where they have made a sort of mini-church. The ancient priest said Mass (it was All Saints Day yesterday) and then some people went home. The rest of us said a rosary together, and then went home. One of the other people in the group drove me to the train station where I'd left my bicycle, then I biked home from there.
When I got home it was 22:15. My husband was in a bad mood because he had a stomach-ache (he has Crohn's disease). I sat with him for a little while while he watched a police drama on TV, then I washed my face and brushed my teeth and went to bed, where I read a little bit in my library book about a man working as a nurse in Greenland. Then I fell asleep at about 23.

Amy in Pennsylvania
~I get up at 5:45 every morning and get my shower and dress right away.
~I gather laundry to take downstairs,prepare my hubby's and kid's breakfast.
~I start the laundry, then take the kids to the bus stop
~I come back and get a cup of coffee and read the paper for 10 minutes.
~I continue to work on my laundry while I check and read blogs for 30 minutes or less.
~By 8:00, I eat breakfast w/ my 3 yr. old and then get him dressed for the day.
~I do whatever chores are on my daily chore list.
~I then have daily devotions and special time with son before lunch
~Son and I eat together, then he is down for his nap.
~I then either read, sew or catch up on other work while he is sleeping.
~I go to the bus stop again at 3:00
~I spend time with daughter, catching up on her day
~The family is home by 5:45 and we eat at 6:00
~Kitchen is cleaned up and lunches are packed for the next day.
~Son is bathed and get's ready for bed by 8:30
~I can either read or spend time with hubby.
~Off to bed by 10pm.

Jenni in Queensland Australia
5:30 – 6:00am - woken by 3yr old coming into our room
5:45 – 6:15am – DP will get up with 3yr old and make tea, boot up computers and deal with 3yr old.
6:30am – DP brings me tea while I give baby a breastfeed.
7:00 am – Put nappies on to wash. Breakfast, unload dishwasher, check email, make beds, I try to do all this whilst 3yr old is eating otherwise it takes twice as long with his ‘help’.
7:30 – 8:00am – 2nd cup of tea, answer emails, check blogs, organize rest of day. DP has started work (he works at home) so take him cup of tea and check on his plans for the day.
8:30 – 9:00am – hang out nappies and check and water veggie patch. Put 2nd load of washing on. Decide on dinner and get any meat out of freezer.
9:30 – 10:00am – Do housework ie vacuum and mop, or dust or clean bathrooms depending on what I did last and what needs doing….
11:00 – 11:30am – morning tea for 3yr old, DP and self, breastfeed for baby. Hang out washing, tidy up after 3yr old and re-organize his play/toys, help him get his paints or play dough etc.
12:30 – 1:00pm – Lunch for 3yr old and put him down for nap.1:30 pm – Lunch for self and DP plus baby if he is not napping…
2:00 pm – Try to put baby down for nap. Computer time, also crafting time, knitting, cross stitch or I am making appliquéd baby singlets and t-shirts for a friends shop.
3:00 – 3:30pm – If we need to go to the shop for milk or the library we go now. If we don’t need to go we might make biscuits or a cake. The 3yr old will play outside or with his toys and baby and I will join in.. I might even get some more crafting or computer time while they play near me. Bring in washing, sort nappies, fold and put away clothes.
4:30 – 5:00pm - Start dinner prep, if we are all eating together I try to feed us around 6:00, otherwise toddler and baby are fed by 6:00pm.
6:30pm – Bath time for toddler, baby sits with us, story and bed by 7:30pm.
7:30pm – Get baby ready for bed, breastfeed and comfort him. If he doesn’t go to sleep sit on couch with him and DP till he goes to sleep.
8:30pm – Once baby asleep, couple time with DP, we might watch some TV or talk or read, I might do some more sewing or computer time.
10:00 – 10:30pm Bed time for us.
This routine varies a little if the older children are home from school for a weekend or holidays. Also we have regular commitments throughout the week, but this is a fairly typical at home day. I also have to sacrifice an at home day once a mo
nth to do the grocery shopping we live about an hour from a major shopping centre and so only go monthly.

Jeannie in Virginia USA
Through next Wednesday, I’m still working with a litter of Australian Shepherds, so my day starts with getting them to shut up. Before I get dressed or even go to the bathroom I’m shoving puppies out the door and food into their noisy little mouths. Anything to Shut. Them. UP! (I'm sorry Jeannie, but this make me laugh. I can just imagine you dealing with a mad group of Aust Shepheds.)

Normally, though, I get up at 6 a.m., make coffee, feed our usual pack (much more well-behaved and civilized), and start breakfast. Assure that my youngest son is up and supervise him heading to school (he drives himself). Then I pry my husband out of bed (we both work out of our home) and we have breakfast. Then I shower and dress and do whatever cleaning is scheduled for that day (sort of schedule. I don’t clean what isn’t dirty. But I look at it and consider.). That takes an hour or two and, since I do have lots of dogs, always includes vacuuming (though my sons do this on the weekends).
I try to fit a walk in there somewhere, grabbing whatever dog is handy. Then I start whatever for dinner, whether it’s chopping or taking out – whatever I can do to make later in the afternoon go more smoothly.
Then I head upstairs and do some office work or write my column, depending on the day. We all do laundry throughout the day, which is a chore kind of like breathing – constant and automatic. Anyone walking through the laundry room is required to tend to whatever needs to be done at that stage.
After lunch I either continue office work (depending on business) or my column (depending on how inspired I was that morning) or sew or knit or do whatever project. Around four it’s feeding time again for the dogs and time to take dinner to the next step. We don’t eat until 6:30 or 7 p.m. since my son always has an after-school activity and my older son gets home from work around then.
After dinner I’ll sit and do needlework while listening to an audio book or music or read until around 10 or 11 p.m. If there is something on TV – usually an old movie – I’ll watch it, but that hasn’t been the case for awhile. Of course some days I go grocery shopping and we do take a day once a month and travel an hour or so to do bulk shopping at a supply store for stuff like flour and sugar. And that’s it (wake up!).

And I'll finish this post with Kim's very orderly routine from the USA.

Here is the Hedges Homestead routine.
We are a family of 4 adults. MA 18.5 and HM 17.
6:15: Morning routine
bathroom visit (face, medicine, teeth, clean sinks and toilet)
air bed, make bed, vacuum floor, laundry to washer -- start load
breakfast, kitchen cleaned
7:30 School/Garden routine
walk 2 miles or bike 12
school subjects (for HM and the girl I tutor)
KM: clean living room, sweep kitchen, project room, hallway, laundry room, finish washing laundry
first school break: hang laundry, feed and water animals
Garden time: weed beds assigned to that day, plant or harvest assigned bed
KM: computer time (girls back at school work)
12:30 : Afternoon routine
clean kitchen
Garden time: front herb/flower beds
Check animals water
Sewing, crafts, quiet reading, or radio (HM and I together -- no tutoring in afternoon)
Tea, make bread
Walk 2 miles
5:00: Evening routine
MA: home, shower, take his dog out, clean room, put away laundry, computer time
HM: Feed and water animals, clean barn stalls, computer time
KM: dinner prep, compost heap, running grocery list update, computer time
Walk 1 mile
7:00: Family routine
dinner (kitchen clean up)
family time (movie, game, walk in yard, talk, listen to a book on tape) preparations for next day (men lunches, breakfast prep)
dogs out one final time, quick check of animals
9:00: Bed time
MA and HM pray then to rooms
KM and CK Spanish lesson
Lights out at 9:30.

There are still ten routines to go. I hope you find them as interesting as I do. Back soon with the next lot.

1 comment

  1. There is only one success--to be able to spend your life in your own way.”- Christopher Morley

    (left by Wildside)


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