26 October 2007

Swap help

My sister started her long drive home this morning after two weeks of merriment, sharing, eating, remembering and sewing together. I sent her off with a small comfort pack of spinach pie, leftover from our dinner last night, three yoghurt pikelets and a bottle of water. She will have to stop for a cup of tea. Thank you all for your kind words and good wishes for both of us while Tricia was here. We had a really good time together.

I will announce the swap soon and intend to have swap partners contact each other. The contact won't happen through me again as last time there were so many people, it became very unsimple and drove me - and Sharon who helped me, a bit crazy. Sharon has offered to help again, she lives in the US. As I have equal numbers of readers in Australia and the US, I'd also like an Australian to help too. You need to have the time to do it, so if you're working or have young children, it might be a bit of a stretch. If you live in Oz and can help with the next swap, please email me. Thanks everyone.

Oh, and the swap will be for the symbol of this simple
life - aprons!


  1. Any skills I could brush up on or practice while waiting for the swap to be announced? Oh bother, what I am really asking for is a hint as to what you have planned. I guess I could start something and send it along as an extra. Can't wait to see what you have planned, I'm sorry I missed your dishcloth swap. It looked like a lot of fun! Have a wonderful day!

  2. Christine, we'll be swapping aprons. : )

  3. ppy gardening everyone, and enjoy the simple life with us.
    Cheers, Lorraine

  4. Bugger, only the last bit of post appeared the rest is lost in cyber space.
    Rhonda, I am so glad that you and Tricia had a lovely visit . If you can accept my not very good computer skills I would be happy to help Sharon with the next swap.The rest of my lost post talked about gardening, maybe I will try to post that later.
    Cheers Lorraine

  5. Oh thank you! I have wanted to make one since I found Jewels site. I have the fabric and pattern. I just needed a gentle push(kick in the hiney) to get it going. Thanks, it's just the push I needed.

    My 7yo son just informed his 5 yo little sister that he will still visit her when he grows up but he is not going to marry her. Hmm.. wonder what lead to this... He is now telling her "Sarah,the Bible says, Do something to others, I don't know what, but it says don't be mean and you were being mean to me...." I better go and help mend hearts.

    Thanks for the hint...hope it wasn't meant to be a super big surprise!

  6. Can I be included in the swap? What do I do?


  7. Thanks Lorraine. I'll contact you soon.

    Coleen, I'll announce the new swap in a post in the next few days. When I do, you'll need to place your name in the comments of that post and you'll be included.

  8. Rhonda- Lorraine and I were swap buddies so it would be great to have her help with the swap- she really is a talented lady! Ready to get to work again- this is fun-I love to make aprons and it is such a great idea to exchange the symbol of a simple life!! Sharon

  9. Hey Rhona Jean, I have left a comment on the previous post.

  10. Aprons!! I'm so excited. If Sharon needs any help, I'm here in the U.S. tlb81003 (at) normalonline (dot) com

  11. Thank-you Tami-if it gets as busy as the last swap I may take you up on the offer!! Sharon

  12. Can't wait to hear about the swap! Glad you had a wonderful time with your sister.

  13. Dear Rhonda, I am so looking forward to the swap. I wasn't able to participate last time.

    Thank you for taking the time to think about them and making them fun!


    Maria S.


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