4 September 2007

Napkins swap partners

This swap is for four 100% cotton napkins, you can send six if you prefer, plus anything else your heart desires. It is fine if you send something extra, it is fine if you don't. The choice is yours. If your swap partner has click-able link (on their name in the swap comments box) to their email, please contact them to say hello and ask for postal details. If you can't make contact, email me and I'll contact them for you. If you are one of the swappers who has not got an email link, please email me with your postal details, as well as the name of your swap partner (so I don't have to keep looking at my list). Thanks everyone. I hope you all enjoy this swap and have some fun with it.

Here is the list of swap partners for the napkin swap.

rhonda gay and karen
alita and darlene
niki and lenny
lib and michele
kate and kim
sharon and chookasmum
jenny and cheryl (copper's wife)
knitterforlife and kirsty
briget and pura
busy woman and dee
susan and debbie
lisa and heather
jen and bobbi jo
polly and mrs mk
tracy and jayedee
alexia and wyndesnow
rhonda jean and deb

Ok swappers, start your engines. : )


  1. alita and darlene
    Darlene's email is: umstetter at gmail dot com (fill in the appropriate symbols. Doing the address this way keeps spammers from getting you address so easily!)

    I have a TON of material here that I was going to use, both for my family and to swap. Does anyone know how to tell if it's 100% cotton or a poly/cotton blend.
    Obviously, you can look on the end of the bolt if you're buying it. But I thought that I could use some of what I already have a ton of - you know, people who no longer sew give you some, you're going to make abc xyz and never do, etc. I have about 10 boxes of nice material, some of which I'm sure is 100% cotton. I just don't remember which pieces they are. So any suggestions to differentiate between 100% and a blend will be helpful. TIA

  2. hi tracy! oh swap partner of mine!
    i'm so excited! i've never participated in anything like this before, hope i do it right!

  3. alexia and wyndesnow
    Wendy's email is wyndesnow at hotmail dot com.

    I am excited to be doing this, I have lots of fabric and will be doing a search for the 100% cotton.

    Rhonda Jean, thank you for letting me participate.


  4. Hi Wendy;

    Just send you an e-mail. You can e-mail me back at;
    the massons at videotron dot ca
    I am so excited to participate in this. Alexia

  5. Hi Busywoman! My email is homesteadprimitives at juno dot com. Sure hope I'm doing this right! dee

  6. About the 100% cotton. I Googled it and here is the suggestions for telling if material is 100% cotton.
    Cut either some threads or a small swatch of fabric.
    Hold it with some tweezers or pliers (so you don't burn yourself).
    Light a candle - one with enough access to the flame that you can test the material.
    Place a bowl of water in the sink and holding the threads/swatch over that, slowly move the candle towards the threads/swatch. When it gets close enough, on of two things will happen.
    1) the material will start to shrink away from the flame. That's material with at least some polyester in it.
    2.) it will catch on fire. If it catches on fire and leaves a grey ash, then it's 100% natural material. If it leaves a red glow, it's got some synthetic fibers in it. When it quits glowing, you can feel a "knob" where the poly has melted together. (Be careful not to touch it when it's hot!)
    Also natural material will have a softer smell to it. Synthetic will always have a "Chemical" smell to it.
    And now I can use some of my pretty material and know for sure I'm using the 100% cotton!

  7. Darlene, thanks for letting us know about the fabric. I didn't know.

    Thanks for making your connections here, ladies. I have some emails about connections I haven't had time to answer yet but hope to get to it later today.

  8. Bummer! :( I missed another swap! Maybe next time.

  9. my e-mail is katie @ t-tapp.com

    I'm trying to update my profile---but in the meantime I'll br making napkins!

  10. Ok, I went through one of my material boxes and tried the candle test. Here are the results:
    1)I didn't have any material "shrink" from the flame. I had to actually get it to burn. That could be because the material had a high cotton content.
    I'd burn the corner, blow it out and feel it. Poly did one of two things. Either it made beads that you could feel or it felt stiff across the burned edge. When I scrapped across the stiff burned area, the threads would stay clumped together in small sections - sort of like the ends were glued together.
    2.) 100% cotton would sometimes "glow red". That would happen when part of the selvage would burn or when there was a "clump" of threads in the fabric. Sort of where threads were woven together like you would to add a new color or add a new ball of thread to a project. The difference was that the ends/edges were soft and would bread off when I touched them, so that there was a light area of char, but no really dark areas.

  11. Hi Darlene

    Just sent an email to you but my email address is alitahere at yahoo dot com - just in case there are any problems.
    Thank you Rhonda for organising this. Looking forward to it.


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