15 September 2007

The living is easy

This is the nightie I'm taking the sleeves from.

The weekend is here again and I'm enjoying this fine Spring day. I have a load of washing on and soon I'll hang that to dry. While I'm out there, I'm going to check on the garden and give it some water. I love watering the garden with a hose. I can give the water lovers a bit extra, fill the bird baths with clean fresh water and make sure all the pot plants are moist and growing well. Watering is a good time for observation, and observation can make or break a garden.

I'll make some bread later, and some fresh pasta for our main meal. I would also like to make some tea cake muffins but I might not have time for them today. Now that the warmer weather is here I'm also thinking of ginger beer and more lemon cordial. I have about 8 litres of pure lemon juice frozen so I might defrost some of that or start a ginger beer plant this afternoon.

Most of my day will be inside, or at least on the front verandah, sewing. I finished off my napkins yesterday and started a bit of hand sewing on an extra frou frou I'll be sending with them. I'm also modifying a white cotton nightie by removing the long sleeves, which irritate me. There is some work to be done on Christmas gifts and a spot more knitting to do. I am fortunate to have so many lovely things to occupy my hours.

It's a real delight to sit out there with my sewing and knitting. The dogs amble past, the cat sits in the next chair, birds of all varieties fly around and in the silence of a still day, I hear our neighbour, the whip bird, send out his striking "whiiiiiiiiiiiiip" call. H wanders out to see what I'm doing, sometimes he brings a cool drink, sometimes he sits to rest and talk. I tell you, the living is easy on our front verandah.

Thank you for stopping by today. I hope you enjoy your weekend. : )
Updated at 2.45pm. All done. A cool nightie for the coming months.


  1. Hello Rhonda
    I am back! We have both had very busy weeks it seems. I am sorry to read about the great kitchen debacle. What ever you do, don't get a corner sink and don't skimp on draining boards. Of course you are much too wise to fall for this silliness at I did! That is my only bit of advise from also having the opportunity to rebuild an old kitchen.

    Have a lovely day - hope you get your seeds in.

    duckie xxx

  2. Have a lovely weekend Rhonda:-)

  3. Oh, please do tell what kind of things you make for Chirstmas gifts. I so want to make all my gifts this year and am having trouble coming up with enough ideas.
    Enjoy your spring day. We are quickly moving into fall here and wrapping up outside activities, though I did get a fall planting of peas, lettuce, spinach and broccoli in :-) So excited about that!

  4. Hi Rhonda :) I have been visiting you now for a while and really enjoying my time here. A very happy weekend to you, too! Love, Q

  5. Hi ho duckie! When will you start working from home?

    Hello Shell, thank you. Take care, love. : )

    lee, I wrote about frugal gifts here: http://down---to---earth.blogspot.com/2007/07/frugal-gifts.html I hope you find some ideas there. At the moment I'm knitting dishcloths to be packaged with home made soap, I've also just cut out threee aprons. Most people I know love getting an apron.

    Hello quinne, welcome. : ) I'm pleased to hear you enjoy your visits. Take care and have a lovely weekend.

  6. Your day and your life sound so ideal. That is my dream for the future to live a life similar to yours.
    Enjoy your weekend. :)

    cheers Lenny

  7. Sounds like a complete weekend, mine has been spent playing taxi service to and from various events. Worn out I am too, but don'tfeel i have achieved much. Ah well there is still sunday to go.

  8. a lovely job on the nightie, Rhonda! I hope I can sew like that one day...sewing and I just never got along, but I am determined!
    Have a blessed weekend, friend

  9. So fun to read about your day. I, too, enjoy sitting outside with a handwork project. However, it's late summer here, and the flies are pesky so I'm not able to sit out much. I love the nighty - it's so pretty and feminine. The sleeveless look is nice!

  10. Sounds like a wonderful way to spend the day. Such a beautiful nightie, and it looks like you did a great job removing the sleeves.
    I must get going on my napkins ~ I'm about halfway there!


  11. It is funny, most of my friends when they are on holidays at home, they say they get so bored. I have a million things to do. Boredom is not in my vocabulary. You have inspired me to set a goal of when I will retire from my full time job and work volunteer for a few days, grow my vegies, knit and sew and give as much as I can.

    Thank you


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