1 September 2007

Hold on to your hats - it's another swap!

We had a lot of fun with the dishcloth swap, and we may do another one in the future, but today we'll start another swap.

This time we will be swapping four cotton napkins, preferably handmade. If you can't sew, you can buy your napkins, but they must be 100% cotton. They should be around 25 cm square, or 10 inches, give or take a couple of cm. This will help us all build up our stocks of cloth napkins so we can all leave the disposable ones at the store. Another step towards a healthier planet.

If you would like to join the swap, just make a comment and I'll team up swap partners early next week.

Everyone is welcome to join. : )


  1. Count me in the swap I love them.

  2. I'll be in on this one too. I did post a big comment on your disposable post about giving up paper serviettes but for some reason it didn't appear. But this is one area that I'm about to work on changing so this will be a good place to start,

    cheers Lenny

  3. Rhonda Jean, I would like to participate in this swap. Is it ok that I am in Canada as far as postage? I could reimburse if it is.

  4. Hi Rhonda Jean, I love your blog! My hubby and I are making steps to grow most of our own veg. We have in the past and want to get back to that -a little difficult in the suburbs but not impossible! A comment on cloth napkins -we have used them for years and here is how I get even more use from them. I took wooden napkin rings (from the thrift shop of course) and wrote everyone's name on them with a marker. You use your napkin till it is dirty enough to be washed. Depending on the type of meal you can get a whole days use. Thanks for the mesh bag idea -I have some old netting freshly washed and ready to sew. Have a blessed day, Dee

  5. Oooooo....my first swap!
    Count me in!

  6. if me being in the states isn't a problem, i'd love to participate in this swap! what a great idea!

  7. I'm in the USA... forgot to mention that earlier!
    Is that okay?

  8. I'd like to join in the swap,too.

  9. Hi,
    I'd like to join in the swap .How many napkins do we make? 4, 6 ??
    Hope you have a Blessed day.
    I also live in the U.S.

  10. Hi Rhonda,
    Count me in too. Maybe you could lump us US people together to save on postage.

    Dot and I have successfully completed our swap. Actually we did a bit ago, but since we are bad we forgot to let you know.


  11. I'd love to take part in the napkin swap if you're including those of us in the U.S. We've used cloth napkins exclusively for about a year and a half, and there's just nothing better. We're not using disposables and it feels like we're treating ourselves to something special all at the same time.

  12. This is a great idea for a swap! Count me in!!!

  13. Good morning gals! I see it as a good thing that we have swappers all over the world. Last swap we had people in the US, UK, NZ and Portugal. I think everyone likes the idea of receiving and sending overseas. I'll always pick light swaps to help with postage costs.

    Lenny, Bel said she's had problems posting comments too. I'm sorry but I don't know what causes it.

    Niki, it's fine, thank you for your thoughtfulness though.

    Dee, that's a fabulous idea!

    Lib, the swap is for 4 napkins, but if you want to send 6, that's fine.

    Hello bad Kim LOL ; ) I'll move you and Dot up on the list. Thanks.

    I hope we get a million swappers. : )

  14. BTW, Tricia and Susan! If you're reading this, you can join the swap too if you like. : ) (That's my sister and good friend in Townsville.)

  15. I'd love to be in on this also-I live in the States. Sharon

  16. I felt left out with the dishcloth swap so count me in on this one too. I have always wanted to do this with the children's old dresses but in the end they just piled up and so I just gave them all away. But every time I go into IKEA for more paper disposables ( they are the cheapest place around here) I think I should be making my own. This is the motivation that I need.

    I did write in earlier but it didn't post.

    Karen, Switzerland. Hope this one post O.K.

  17. oh I hope I'm not to late? I loved the last swap and I won't need Mum's help on the napkins;)
    YAY thanks Rhonda

  18. Count me in Rhonda,

    By the way, I received Chris' dishcloth with some extra specials books and cotton. I know that she has recently received my package too.

  19. I'd love to be in this one rhonda. I missed out on the dishcloth swap and watched with envy.


  20. Hi Rhonda Jean, I have been reading your blog for the past month or so. Not only is it interesting, informative, but very inspiring:) I would like to participate in this swap...what do I do? I live in Montreal Canada.

    Thank You


  21. Hi Rhonda, count me in for this one as well. It was so much fun last time.

  22. welcome to the swap, ladies. Thank you for taking part.

    Alexia, thank you. It's good to get some feedback from you. All you have to do is wait until next Tuesday morning (your monday night) when I'll take the list of swappers and give everyone a swap partner. Then you give me your email address so you can make contact with your partner about postal addresses, you make your napkins, parcel them up and post. So just stand by until the swap partners list appears and all the details will be there with the list.

    Come on lurkers, why not join this swap? You know you want to. ; )

  23. Count me in too Rhonda :) I can't make dishcloths, but napkins I can do!

  24. I would love to be added to the swap Rhonda. Hugs, Bobbi Jo

  25. I forgot to say, "add me to the swap!" I'm in the USA. Dee

  26. Darlene, here in North Ga, count me in too!
    A US partner would be good for me too. I'm not sure I have enough extra to mail overseas.

  27. Hi Rhonda, please count me in the swap to, please. I've been lurking and reading yours and many other blogs that I thoroughly enjoy. Perhaps I will have to start a blog too.Need more info on how to, tho.
    Chookasmum, (Lorraine)

  28. Hi Rhonda, count me in please I can't sew but I'll see what the local Op shop throws up.


  29. Hi Rhonda Jean
    Thanks for a great blog to read. I would love to be a part of this new swap.
    Bye for now

  30. Count me in again too please, Rhonda. It was great fun doing the last one. I can't sew either, so this will be an extra challenge to find some cotton napkins or try my hand at sewing!

  31. I'd love to be in the swap as well please.
    Not sure how I'll go for time but if buying is ok then I'm in.

  32. Rhonda I'd love to be in the swap but I'll be away for a while so it depends on the dates.

  33. Hope I'm not too late!! I've been busy all weekend and have just found this.
    I think I can manage napkins, they have got to be easier than pot holders!!LOL

  34. Rhonda, I am new to your blog and have thoroughly enjoyed reading through all your past posts! They have been very good to get me motivated; I have even gone out and bought what I need to make soap (the rebatch type).
    I would love to be part of your napkin swap. I am in the U.S., but willing to ship anywhere. Thanks!


  35. I'd LOVE to join in!

    Great idea.

  36. Hello,
    I'm from Spain and would like to participate if there is time left for.

  37. The swap is closed now. I'll post the swap buddies list shortly.

  38. Rhonda Jean, I would love to participate in the swap. And this sounds like so much fun.


  39. ok wyndesnow, I've just now posted the list and I'll give you one of my partners, I had two.

    The list is now closed.

  40. DRAT! That's what I get for not having Internet connection at home. #-day holiday (Labor Day) weekend plus an extra day of vacation to watch one of my grandsons because his day care was closed for the first day of school (can't quite figure that one out...)
    Oh, well, I'll get in on the next one. I DO have plenty of napkins for my own use, put being a part of a swap is so much fun!!
    Carla in No. Idaho

  41. Hi there,
    I have been away over the past week but would like to join in if it's not too late.

  42. Hello Carla and Hannah. I've contacted you both to let you know you're partnered in the swap.

  43. It was so good of you to extend the swap, Rhonda Jean. I'm one of those that really appreciate it. Please do count me in. I hope you and H are having a great weekend.
    Lovingly, Jewels

  44. hi there

    I'd love to participate in the swap also......

    your blog is a really useful one - thanks


  45. I also would like to join the swap!
    Please e-mail me with all of the information on this swap.

  46. Oooh, if you are extending this could I still get in? We are just starting to try to use cloth napkins more. What a fun way to add to my collection.


  47. Hi! Just read about your swap over at Jewels' blog. I would love to be part of it! We recently made the switch to cloth napkins in our home, and I would so much like to share and receive them. Thanks!!!


  48. Oh, I'd love to join!!! Please add me to the swap! Thank you so much for extending it!

  49. Thank you so much for extending it. Count me in. Blessings, Tami

  50. I want to join. Thank you for extending the swap!!! Maybe I can swap with Jewels :)

  51. Rhonda Jean, I just read about your swap and would love to join (if it's not too late),this would be my first!
    I would be delighted to mail anywhere.
    Emme in Texas (USA)

  52. I've never made a napkin, but I'm game to try. :-) Please include me in the swap.

  53. Rhonda Jean,

    I would also love to be included in this! I was thrilled to read that you had extended the deadline!


  54. hi, I am in the US. Could I be in on the napkin swap?

    Thanks, Christi

  55. Hi Rhonda I would like to be part of your swap I read about on Eyes of Wonder if it's not too late Thank you

  56. Hi Rhonda Please include me in your swap I read about on Eyes of Wonder if it's not to late Thank you Suzy Myers

  57. I've never done a swap before, but I'd LOVE to start with this one!!

  58. Dear Rhonda Jean,
    I would really love to join the swap (apparently i wasn't the only one to read about it on Jewels blog..), but if it's too late you don't need to join me. Anyway, you had a nice blog; I enjoyed visiting and I'll probably come back. God bless you.


  59. Please include me. I stopped using paper napkins 7 yrs ago! This will be wonderful.

  60. I have always wanted to participate in a swap, so count me in.

  61. I would love to join in this swap! This will be my first swap ever ad i am so excited. I am going to start the napkins tonight!

  62. hey there, its casey from cincinnati. I was wondering, do u have to live in austrailia to join in on these swaps or can you live in another country? like the us

  63. you can live anywhere, Casey.


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