13 August 2007

Stitchery patterns

This second post for the day is for our stitchers. Here are some more of my stitchery patterns. They are free to download.



  1. Did Rosie and Alice inspire the Washing Day stitchery Rhonda? They are all lovely.

  2. HA! no, Polly. Rosie and Alice are quite well behaved. I think that washing day has been buried in my mind since I was a little girl. I used to have a lot of books with Airedales in them when I was little. I think it's from that.

  3. Thanks so much for some more of your beautiful stitchery patterns Rhonda.
    They're just wonderful!

  4. Thank you soooo much for sharing the stitcheries with us! :> They are adorable! :>

  5. Lovely! Thanks so much! This is something I'd really like to do more of. So relaxing.

  6. This is my first visit to your blog and I want to thank you for being so generous in sharing your wonderful stitchery patterns.
    I love them all but especially the fat quarter one!


  7. Thank you for the stitchery patterns, love the herbal hearts one! :)

  8. I found your Blog with so many wonderful free stitcheries, and so many
    wonderful things!
    Now I've got a question: In the next month I'll meet some friends and we
    all want to visit a exhibition in cross stitch.
    We are so many women who felt in love in counted cross stitch . I would
    like to show them how easy it could be to work on beautifuly stitcheries.
    Can I use your design for this workshop with my frends???

  9. Hi Aldi, yes, I'd be happy for you to use the patterns with your ladies. Have fun!

  10. oh, thank you very much!!!

  11. I have become addicted to stischery since reading your blog and just love it. I have found some other patterns...they are free on a website called Redwork and Stitchery.Probably you have already discovered this and I have missed it in your notes. Thanks for the addiction,Rhonda.

  12. Once more thanks for sharing these beautiful stitchery designs... my favorites are garden sampler the herbal hearts, how lovely ... and the FQ diet... hilarious and very true !!!

  13. I've just found your blog and stitchery designs. Thanks for so generously sharing them. They are lovely.

  14. Hi love the site, but would love to do the sampler to the right of the screen but can't find the pattern. Would you be able to help please. Saw this done onThe Quiet Home website and thiought it was fab. Tina directed me here for the pattern, but perhaps I am a little blind. Many thanks. Susan

  15. I love these patterns. I would like to make some cards with them - am I permitted to sell the cards I make? I look forward to hearing from you.

    Emma - The Sparkly Fairy

  16. j'aime beaucoup vos créativitées !Merci de publier ! Bonne journée !

  17. Thank you for sharing these! First of all, I can NEVER EVER have too many embroidry patterns ( although I already do), second, I love the message and style of these patterns! I already have a plan for the Herbal Hearts pattern for a gift ( or gifts ) I'm searching the blog/site for more wonderful patterns!

  18. Don't know if you'll see this Rhonda! But I want to thank you for making your stitching patterns freely available. Embroidery is my passion and I have a LOT of books, magazines and patterns, but I just had to add this cute Washing Day pattern to my files! It reminds me so much of when I was a kid and our dogs used to chase the sheets as they spun around on the line on a windy day. Mum used to run outside shouting at them!!

  19. I have stitched up your Herbal Hearts pattern for a Skinny Pinny Pincushion Swap. You can see it on my Flickr page here. http://www.flickr.com/photos/43229651@N06/13450472973/in/set-72157643016631513 Thank you so much for sharing this drawing. I live in the US and I made this for one of your Aussie neighbors, Kerrie Brill over at http://channelbankcreations.blogspot.com.au/ When I got her name in the swap, I started reading her blog and learned that she liked prim and that she follows your blog and when I saw that you had these sweet little patterns... well, it was just too perfect and I just had to make this up for her. Thank again.

  20. Wow!! Theese patterns just made mye heart smile <3 Thank you for sharing :) love drøm Wenche

  21. Thanks so much Rhonda for the lovely patterns! What a sweet generous soul you are.

  22. Thank you they are lovely !


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