29 August 2007

Dishcloths on parade - updated

Here are photos of some of the dishcloths swapped during our first swap. If you have a photo of your dishcloths you'd like to share, send it to me and I'll post it with these.

These little beauties are by Polly, and were sent to Jewels. Polly included some of her home made soap.

These cloths were made by Jewels and sent to Polly. Jewels also included a beautiful hand made card.

These lovely cloths were made by Robin and sent to Maggie in NZ. Love those autumn colours.

Now we have the cloth sent to Susan by Lenny. Lenny also sent some fudge. mmmm

And the following photo is the beautiful blue package of cloth and soap that Susan sent to Lenny.

Finally the swap between Carla and myself. Carla sent me these two cloths, plus another that's currently in the wash. I really love them, Carla.

And here is what I sent Carla. A cloth and a copy of last month's Grass Roots.



  1. all of the dishcloths look great, as well as the other goodies put in the post :)

  2. Just wondering if anyone would mind sharing the patterns they've used for their dishcloths? Or if they're on your blogs somewhere - just say and I'll go looking. :-)

    I didn't participate in the swap as at the time it was announced I didn't know how to knit with needles. This swap inspired me to give it a go and I have 1 pattern that Rhonda Gay helped me with. I posted my first attempts on my blog.

    I'd love to give some of the other patterns a try.

  3. Hello lightening, in my side bar there is a "Dishcloth Boutique", it's full of patterns. Dishcloths are a good way of practising your knitting while making something useful at the same time.

    Hi Ali! : )

  4. Thanks Rhonda Jean. I'll have a look. I have another question too. What kinds of yarn are people using? I bought some cotton from Spotlight and it's 4 ply. Some of these cloths look like they're made with a thicker yarn. Or is that answered already? :-)

  5. I was too late getting going with doing the dishcloth swap, but Rhonda has started us knitting with avengence in our household now. I have done one plain red dishcloth and am now doing a metallic green one in Moss stitch, with plans to do more advanced patterned ones. My two daughters too are making them. One of them with a pattern unknown, add a stitch, then add another and then ask Mum to get you back to the original number of stitches!!! LOL

    Yes, they are a fantastic way to practice your knitting skills and also great as you can do a row here and there whilst waiting for the kettle to boil or waiting for those odd 5 minutes here and there, whilst waiting for child pick ups and at the end of it you have a cloth.

    Thank you Rhonda. I am throughly enjoying making these dishcloths.


  6. P.S. When we have all practised our knitting and got some stacks of cloths, is there any chance of another swap ?


  7. i have serious dish cloth envy! alas! i don't knit so i'll have to keep admiring from afar! LOL

  8. Lightening, I've used 2 ply and 4 ply, I think 4 ply is better though. I bought my 4 ply from Spotlight.

    Here is the post about dishcloths:

  9. I think part of the reason I now like washing dishes is because I love using my own soap and hand made cloths. It gives me a buzz every day but I'm horrified when I think of all the sponges and cloths I've used and put into the rubbish in the past 35 or so years. Another reason why home made is best. :-)

    I love all these cloths. Isn't it interesting to see the variety in something as simple as a square of hand knitting and what a good way for a beginner to practise because it doesn't matter at all if there are mistakes. The cloth still does the job.

    My cloths were made from the patterns at these two sites and although the twisted one might look a little complicated if you are fairly new to knitting, it is very easy, just a bit fiddly to start with. I made them both with two strands of 4 ply cotton to make them thicker but they still aren't as thick as the pretty cloths Jewels sent me.


  10. thanks for that help, Polly. I love your knitting and will check those sites out too.

  11. Lovely dishcloths from everyone. I love the pattern choices. I have knitted one for myself, and have to make some more. I wonder how many is too many.
    Cheers Colleen

  12. Hi colleen, I'm making about 20 for my kitchen, some in different colours for the bathroom and laundry, and when I've done all those, I'll make face cloths for the shower. : )

  13. Hi Rhonda I will email you a pic of the dish cloth Briget sent me tomorrow. I am finally catching up on things ATM.

  14. How can I join one of these swaps? They look fantastic and I have been learniing how to knit and sew.

  15. Kate, I'll be announcing a new swap this weekend. Stay tuned. : )

  16. I didn't catch the swap Rhonda, but these are a great idea! I'm not much of a knitter but this may inspire me to try maybe the basic ones and I know my Mum,dear Aunts and sister would love them as a gift.


  17. Beautiful! Oh how I wish I could knit!!!
    Emme in Texas

  18. hey there, its casey from cincinnati ohio. Reading your blog ive been inspired to learn to knit and ive decided with this being my 25th year, i want to learn to knit, croche, and embroider and through watching hours of youtube i have mastered the knit stitch, and am on my 7th row of my first dishcloth lol. Thanks for the inspiration. ps... how do you intergrate more than one color of yarn?

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