25 August 2007

Dishcloth swap

The following first list partners have received their swaps.
Robin and Maggie
Carla and RhondaJean
Polly and Jewels
Kirsty and Elizabeth
Briget and Rhonda (kimmysmum)
Michelle and Jenny
Susan and Lenny
Kim and Dot
Busywoman and Chris

Sue is waiting for Deborah's parcel to arrive, everyone else has now received their swap.


  1. Hi Rhonda Jean,
    I am sorry I thoght I had commented in another post. I recieved mine and Kristy got hers.
    She sent me 2 really nice dishclothes and some poodle buttons. I am looking forward to the next swap.

  2. You're right, Elizabeth, you did tell me. I've moved you and Kirsty to the top list. Thank you. : )

  3. Yes I also thought I had commented so Ill try again LOL
    Yes a got a beautiful parcel from Elizabeth chock full of goodies and a great big crocheted dish cloth. Such a nice suprize Thank you for organizing the swap Rhonda I had a great time!

  4. oh OK I'm so slow typing I missed that LOL

  5. I've got my cloth from Susan and I posted hers well before the 17th so I hope that she has got it by now.
    Mine was great so thick and much more sturdy than any that I've made, I'm hoping Susan will share her pattern with me.

    Great that you have so many visitors here, although I do look more than once a day sometimes so I probably help with that count. :)

    I enjoy washing up too, we never use our dishwasher. Although it has been awhile since I've watched that much rain while at the sink. Parts of Tassie where flooded a few weeks ago, seems so unfair after so little rain to get so much in such a short time that most of it jst runs off and the soil isn't really wet properly. Hope your garden survives ok.

    cheers Lenny

  6. ooh, another swap. I hope it's something I'll be capable of doing LOL :)

  7. Briget and I both recieved ours from each other .I thought I put it in a comments before. Never mind I am getting old.
    Looking forward to the next one.

  8. Yes Rhonda Jenny and I have each recieved our clothes.
    Mine was very ordinary compared to the beautiful one Jenny sent me.
    Looking forward to the next swap, hopefully it is something I will be able to do.

  9. Hi Rhonda Jean! I posted my cloths off to Deborah the beginning of last week - but they did have a long way to travel - hopefully they'll arrive soonest. Sue.

  10. Hi there. I have received my cloth from Chris and hers is in the post. I don't know how long it takes to send mail to the USA.

  11. Whoops . . . Dot and I are bad. We forgot to check in. Dot has received the package from me, and we are waiting for the post to deliver hers to me.


  12. I got a beautiful rainbow coloured dishcloth from Kimmysmum (the other Rhonda), wish I could cast on and off as neatly as you can Rhonda.

    Looking forward to another swap. This was great fun.


  13. Hi Rhonda Jean,

    I visited your lovely blog yesterday, after you so graciously visited mine, but the comment feature failed me. Anyway, just wanted to tell you how much I *loved* this dishcloth swap idea. I read about it on Jewels' blog and find it absolutely charming.

  14. as soon as the outstanding swap parcels are received, we'll move on to our next swap. : )

  15. I received three lovely cloths and a tea towel from Sue today, as well as a postcard presumably of where she lives. They were wrapped beautifully, something that I never even thought about doing to those that I sent but then I've never taken part in a swap before so I didn't realise how generous people are until I started reading these comments! So I'm sorry Sue for my lame effort.

    I was amused to find a European House Spider in the middle of one of the cloths! Utterly harmless for those that don't know (Sue, I'm English :-) ) but it was quite sad looking after one heck of a journey! My husband killed it of course, being a protective Aussie, as we have so much media attention on customs and imported 'germs' and animals that jeaopardise our country. I was still tickled though as I haven't seen one of these in the flesh for about six years! It was well tucked inside a folded cloth that was wrapped up and parceled too so it is a bit of a mystery, but a humorous find nonetheless. I don't expect it was deliberate!

    I posted Sue's cloths three weeks ago now so I would have thought she's had them for a fortnight... I can assure her that I haven't sneaked any Sydney Funnelwebs or Redbacks into the cloths that I made ;-)

  16. Hi Rhonda Jean! May I leave a comment for Deborah?

    Hello Deborah! So glad the dishcloths arrived in tact, but so sorry about the spider - goodness knows how it got there, as I was so careful, knowing full well about your laws : even declined putting in dried lavender in case it got confiscated! The good side is, maybe it will bring you good luck, as spiders are supposed to do.

    Glad you liked the cloths, but do feel free to use them as dusters (or floor cloths!) if they don't come up to scratch.

    I'm sure your package will arrive eventually - this is Portugal, after all and things can take a w-h-i-l-e!

    Take care, Sue.

  17. wow Deborah, a spider swap. I hadn't thought of that one. LOL

    Kim and Dot and Busywoman and Chris, have you received your swaps yet?

  18. I am trying to find the pattern details used to make the dish clothes as I would like to make some for my ed support unit :)


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