11 August 2007

Bread rolls and muffins

I've just done a bit of baking before I start my sewing. Some bread rolls for lunch and another dozen for the freezer, and a dozen granny smith apple and cinnamon sugar buttermilk muffins. I'll freeze some of these for our train trip next week.

Apple and Cinnamon Sugar Muffins

½ cup butter, very soft
¾ cup sugar
1 beaten egg

Beat these three ingredients together with a wooden spoon.

Add and stir in:
1 cup buttermilk
½ teaspoon salt
1½ cups diced Granny Smith apples. I dice the apples, then cooked then for about 4 minutes in a tablespoon of butter and a tablespoon of brown sugar.

Add and stir in:

1 cup plain flour
¾ cup wholemeal plain flour
2 teaspoons baking powder
1 teaspoon cinnamon

Top with this:
1 teaspoon cinnamon
1 teasonspoon sugar

Bake in a moderate oven 20 minutes.



  1. hey, nice rolls! you will be pleased to know I have some sourdough attempting its first rise right now Rhonda. :o)

    The muffins look beautiful as well. yum yum.

  2. Beautiful looking rolls Rhonda, they look so yummy and so do the lovely muffins. I can imagine you making them with a big warm fuzzy smile onboard. Marlo

  3. Wow, those are yummy looking.

    I have a recipe for apple bread that uses regular flour and cornmeal. That is just such a nice combination. . .

  4. oh my yum is all i can say :)

  5. Oh those look good! I'll have to try that recipe later.

    Thanks for stopping by and leaving me comments. :)

  6. these look fab
    almost feel like i can smell them
    cant wait to try!

  7. They look fabulous! Great snack to take along on a trip!

  8. Those muffins look wonderful. Thanks for the recipe.

  9. The bread rolls and muffins both look fabulous. Will have to add the muffin recipe to my files! Yum!

  10. made the muffins today as I had visitors...they all got demolished very quickly!

  11. oh the muffins look heavenly! think i'll give them a try for tomorrow's breakfast! thank you for sharing!


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