19 July 2007

A year's worth of dishcloths

Our older son, Shane, came over to see us this morning on his way home from Brisbane. I cooked him breakfast of golden yellow eggs and brandywine tomatoes on toast, and we had a cuppa together. He told me he wants to go to France next year and live there for a few years. He's a chef, so I guess it's no great surprise that he chose France. It was a lovely, if unexpected, visit.

Instead of hopping back on the bus I offered to drive him home. He lives in a small house on Lake Currimundi, about a 20 minute drive from here. I love driving my kids around as they tell me about their lives when I do. There is something about the confines of a car that induces them to talk, non-stop. So in the car is usually where I am told about girl friends, new plans, hiccoughs with spending, their latest culinary masterpieces and the general state of their lives. I'm happy to say that most of it is good to hear. I love that they both still talk with me about their lives and every time they get out of the car and walk away, I smile and wonder how lucky I am to have such wonderful and interesting sons.

I had been hoping to go to the local Spotlight store this week as I knew they had Supremo pure cotton yarn on sale for $2.99. I dashed in and bought four balls on the way back home. I now have enough good cotton to make a year's worth of dishcloths, although some of them will inevitably end up as gifts with my home made soap. H and I give each other $10 a week pocket money, which is given as a $40 payment once a month, and may be spent on anything our hearts desire. I spent $11.96 this morning but it is rare that I spend much of my $40. It usually ends up in the change jar.



  1. I'm really curious now with how you go about making dishcloths with cotton yarn.... I still am so new to the knitting and sewing thing!

    I agree about the car. DH and I have solved many a disagreement by going for a drive!

  2. It's wonderful to read about your relationship with your sons! I bet you will miss him when he is in France!

  3. I would also love to know how you make them. Perhaps a tutorial is called for. I for one would really appreciate it.

  4. Oh, I love handmade cotton dishclothes!! My MIL has made them for us as xmas presents for years. They're so durable. I now have cotton yarn myself and a book of patterns to make my own. Now, if only I could find the time to do so!!

  5. Rhonda,

    I love to make cotton dishcloths. They are easy and really take a beating. Maybe we can post some patterns. I tend to just make squares, but I'd like to make some as gifts this year.


  6. eilleen and busy woman, I'll do a post on them. They're the most simple kind of knitting. If you can knit at all, you can make dishcloths.

    Kirsty, I will miss him and my other son. They'll both be wokring OS next year. Kerry plans to work in Dubai at a 7 star hotel!

    farm mom and kim, yes, they last for such a long time and all you have to do is wash them. Much better than the throw away cloths.

  7. Hello!

    I just found your delightful blog yesterday via Jewels',"Eyes of Wonder" blog.

    I have been enjoying looking at your posts and reading about your movements toward a more simple life. I have been on my own path of voluntary simplicity for the last 18 years or so. It seems there is always something more to cull, more to learn... It is quite exciting and satisfying for me!

    I've looked at some of the other links you've posted as well. I am SO heartened to see the number of blogs out there that are writing about the subjects of simple living, green living, and stewardship. Some of the links you provided are new to me, so it's been great fun to meet new friends.

    Please come by to my home on the web sometime! Golightly Place is found at: http://golightlyplace.blogspot.com

    Oh, and I just love your stitcheries! Did you do them on muslin? They are wonderful!

  8. P.S. I grew up with Airedale terriers and my dad always has one as a constant companion.

    Currently, we have a terrier of the smaller variety, a West Highland.

  9. Hello Mrs Pivec, welcome. It's good of you to drop by, expecially as you come from my friend Jewel's blog.

    The stitcheries are worked on either cotton or linen, whatever I have on hand really. I drew them for my DIL who teaches patchworking and sewing. I'll be ading more as I go along. In fact I'll be doing a post about some Christmas stitcheries later today.

    Ahhh, an Airedale person. I know we'll get along well then. ; )Aren't they the best dogs! I love their squareness and their unstoppable ability to play the clown. The little Scotty terriers are lovely too. In fact I don't think I've met a terrier I didn't like.

  10. My children also seem to want to talk a lot in the car and I hope that when they are older they still will. I think it is great that your sons fell they can share their lives with you. You must be a truly special Mum.

  11. hi
    I feel thats very sweet of you and Hanno to give each other $ 40 to spend on what your heart desires...
    Is there something that you get great pleasure in buying....
    I love my books and magazines.


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