7 July 2007

First sourdough loaf

This sourdough bread is delicious! Really, it's got a lovely depth of flavour unlike plain yeast breads. And it's nicer than the sourdough we used to buy at the bakery.

I cooked it in my cast iron dutch oven, which is why it's a flattish round
shape. Next time I'll use something else to give it more height. I'm really looking forward to making more sourdough now and to improve on this first one. But I must say, the flavour of this loaf is excellent.


  1. Rhonda,

    Looks like it's got good texture; with flavour to match.

    Regards, Gary

  2. I've had a sourdough recipe bookmarked for ages and just haven't got around to doing it yet. I love sourdough. This was an encouragement to get started, I'll think I'll do it as soon as term ends! Thanks Rhonda!

  3. Ooh, I tried making a sour dough loaf about 2 years ago and never got past the first attempt. Not sure why now. You've gotten me all inspired to give it another try Rhonda. :-)

    Your loaf looks lovely.

  4. Hi Rhonda Jean
    I have nominated you for the award of positive global change, and linked to you on my blog.

    I really like what you are doing and the information you impart to the world.



  5. Mine's still in the fridge - hubby has a beer starter bubbling away and he doesn't want my bread yeast cohabiting with his beer yeast (no sense of adventure lol).

  6. Ohhh, that looks good enough to eat! :o) We too, love sourdough. You have a lovely day, dear Rhonda Jean.
    Warmly, Jewels

  7. Hi Rhonda
    YOur bread looks amazing! i am having trouble with blogger at the moment - non of the comments I left last night got up - hopefully this one will!

    Your blog is as always, a joy!

  8. Gary, sourdough with homegrown brandywine tomatoes. mmmmmm, there's nothing like it.

    Isabella, good for you! I hope you make one as soon as term ends and let me know how it turns out. : )

    Jodi, it's definately worth perservering with your sourdough. Let me know if you try again.

    downshiftingpath, I'm flabbergasted! Thank you very much. I checked out your site earlier and like it a lot. I'll be back again soon and will add you to my blog roll.

    Kez, beer! pfffffffffft I hope it is good beer. LOL

    Jewels, thank you dear. Do you and the girls make sourdough?

    Duck, will there be a Julie 2?


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