20 July 2007

A dishcloth swap?

Now that some ladies are starting to knit dishcloths, and I know we have quite a few knitters among us, I wondered if you'd all like to be part of a dishcloth swap. I think it would be a lovely way to connect with each other - either here in Australia, or overseas in far off lands. The good thing about dishcloths is that they're very light, so postage won't cost too much.
So, is anyone interested? If you are, add a comment here and if there is enough interest, I'll make up a list of swap buddies. There will be a deadline date on the swap which I'll announce later. When we have our list, I'll get each swap buddy to email their postal address to their partner.
This will be fun! Who is with me on this?


  1. I would love to be in this. I haven't done any knitting for a very long time but I'm pretty sure it's like riding a bike ;)
    I went through all my knitting needles yesterday and I found a pair of #10 in tortoiseshell which used to belong to my Nan, brought back lovely memories.
    Cheers, Michelle.

  2. What a great idea! In my part of the world, finding yarn is a bit of a challenge, but I'm sure I could scrape something cotton together. Please count me in, Sue.

  3. Count me in Rhonda, sounds like fun.

  4. I'd love to be a part of this too, Rhonda.

  5. I'd love to join in this too.

    I went to our local Spotlight this morning but they didn't have any Supremo, I have some other cotton but the colours are a bit "loud".


  6. I'd love to join in the swap.

  7. Good! we have a nice group to start. Anyone else?

  8. Yes, I'd like to join in too please.

  9. Count me in, but I'm a little frightened by the prospect of knitting to a deadline LOL.

  10. I would like to be included as well please Rhonda

  11. Oh yes, count me in. This sounds fun.

    Now I am off to read all the writing you did while I was sleeping!

  12. Rohnda --
    This sounds like great fun! I'd love to do it!

  13. I wish I had time to write more at the moment, but I'm at work so can only comment on the dishcloth swap - I'd love to be a part of this...I actually almost started one last evening (after I picked the peas & the raspberries), but made a bit of supper instead. I also am a bit worried about the deadline thing since I work full-time & can only knit in the evenings, after I've tended to the garden... I'm in northern Idaho, in the U.S. - and I just have to say how lucky I feel to have found your blog, Rhonda Jean!! I hope to write more in the future - Grandma Carla in Idaho

  14. Hello Rhonda Jean,
    I would love to be apart of the swap.
    Thanks so much,

  15. Woohoo! I'll make up a swap list tomorrow. You can still join if you like. : )

  16. Oh wow Rhonda, i just posted about knitted dishcloths on my blog...Count me in too


  17. If there is no one else ready to jump into this swap, I'll post the swap buddies tomorrow.

    Thanks to you all for getting involved in this little neighbourhood swap.

  18. If it's not too late, can I join you in this swap please.

  19. certainly dot. Climb aboard. : )

  20. If I'm not too late I'd love to join in Rhonda.

  21. Good morning, my friend :o)
    If I'm not too late, I'd love to be included in the neighborhood swap, too. If I am, too late--not to worry, I understand.
    Enjoy your day, dear Rhonda Jean.
    Warmly, Jewels

  22. Hello Jewels, You're most welcome to join our swap. : )

    Ladies and gentlemen, the swap is now closed. I'll post a list of swap buddies soon. My sincere thanks to everyone for taking part. : )

  23. Count me in Rhonda :) Deborah xxx


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