12 June 2007


I think we should introduce ourselves. My name is Rhonda. This is me in my almost 60th year. Don't look too close, I just came home from work. LOL

I'd love to know a little bit about the readers who stop by here everyday. I love hearing about how people live and how they bring simplicity into their own lives. If you have time, please drop me a line and say hello.


  1. Hello Rhonda,

    Came across your blog a couple of weeks ago - not sure where I saw the link.

    My family and I are Sydney-based and trying to lighten our footprints and live more simply.

    You post some interesting stuff. Thanks.

    Regards, Gary

  2. Hello, My name is Phelan and I am a Homesteading Neophyte, litterally. We are trying to become self sufficent on 5 acres in the middle of Kansas.

  3. Hi Rhonda,
    My name is Kim. I live in Southeastern IN on 5 acres. We raise chickens, turkeys, rabbits, goats, and most of our own food.


  4. Thanks so much for responding! Some days I feel like I'm whistling in the wind.

    Hello Gary
    It's good to see you living simply in sydney. I grew up in Sydney (strathfield and balmain) but rarely go there now. Thanks for your comments.

    Hi Phelan
    I'm trying to read back to your beginning, I'll get there one day. I like reading how we're all focused on the same result but we we live our lives so differently. Thank you for commenting.

    Hi Kim
    Are you goats for milk or meat? I've thought about getting a goat but on our one acre, I might be pushing it. Thanks for your comments.

  5. rhonda jean~
    Pleasure to meet you. I found you through a post over at Phelans site. I love your blog so far. Particularly the aquaponics. I'll be checking back soon for certain.

  6. Hello Patrick, it's good to meet you too. I just checked out your blog and will go back later for another read. Isn't Phelan great for connecting us all.

    Now that I have my new fish, I'll be writing much more about aquaponics because I believe it to be a wonderful addition to a sustainable home.

    Thanks for commenting. It really does make a difference when you get some feedback.

  7. Hi Rhonda, Nice to put a face to the name. Although I only recently found your blog I have been really enjoying visiting. As you know I live in Tassie and we are trying to live a good life in the suburbs.

  8. welcome jenny. Yes, it's nice to see a face after so many words. thanks for saying hello. : )

  9. Rhonda,
    Our goats are primarily for milk. That said, you almost always get more little boys than you need. We either sell them or use them to feed the dogs. We make sure they have a happy healthy life right up until the trigger is pulled. We occasionally eat meat, but only a few times a year.


  10. Hi Rhonda

    Didnt know you had a blog until i read the ALS site...Just love your reading your blog its awesome..


  11. Hi Robbie! It's good to have you here. I wasn't going to advertise the fact I was blogging but I was "discovered" by a few mmembers. : )

  12. best discovery out i think !!!
    look forward to spending lots of time in here and over at ALS as well


  13. Hi! I'm a single mother (escaped an abusive marriage 6 years ago) & live with my youngest child on a mountain in Ireland. We, too, only have an acre, but I have use of a smaller than 1/2 acre field for 11 months of the year for grazing (it contains a monument & there's a Mass held in the field in August) & the horses are on rented land. I have dogs, cats, ferrets, poultry, goats & horses.
    I'd love to grow vegetables here, but with no proper fencing in place they would be eaten as seeds! I love the idea of your aquaponic system. My son is the best gardener & he's in England. I'll try gardening once the chickens, ducks & goose have their own areas & mummy goat isn't quite as free-range & I've sorted out places to put raised beds in.
    I don't drive & would ideally like to heat my house, water & cook using the fuel grown on my land ~ I'd like willows & more hazel & ash planted on the boundaries to be coppiced for fuel & to make willow/hazel hurdles. I'd like to use wind & solar for electricity, but can't afford the systems myself & theose aren't covered by sustainable energy grants ~ this is a country where goats are sheep & my poultry are covered by an equine herd number!

  14. I've posted a few comments already, but today I re-read the archives of your blog and since I hit the 'introduction' post, decided to introduce myself properly. I am a 23 year old bookkeeper, and I am very interested in gaining a skill-set that will allow me to live frugally. It's slow work now, but I have big hopes for the future (I dream of building my own straw-bale home). I have found your blog immensely useful and inspirational, thankyou for keeping it.

    You can find out more about me here: http://www.myspace.com/louiseallana. I have a journal, but it is such a random jumble that I feel a little embarrassed to have it compared to yours :)

  15. Hi.

    I'm a 50-something homeschooling mom of 2 in the Southwestern U.S.

    I found your blog from the frugal blogroll. And I'm bookmarking it, because it's inspiring me.


  16. Hi Rhonda,

    I've just discovered your blog and you drew me in instantly, so much so in fact that I've only read a recent one or two posts then went straight to the end/beginning and started reading avidly from where you began. We're currently living in SA but will soon be moving to QLD so we're pleased to read what's achievable in the conditions.

    We came from the UK originally and are still finding our feet here. We've been hit quite hard by the GFC (being unable to sell or rent our UK house but still having to pay all the bills) and have adopted a simpler life in so far as budgeting and spending goes, very much akin to the way you outlined it in your early posts.

    We'd really like in the longer term to be more self-sufficient and I have to say your blog is extremely interesting. Thank you so much for being so generous with your knowledge and personal examples, it's very inspiring. We're very grateful and will be checking in regularly.


  17. Hello Rhonda,

    I love your blog!
    My name is Ingeborg, and I am living in Holland. So my english maybe is not so good, but I hope you understand what I am trying to say :-)
    I found your blog via a dutch blog about living simply last week, an since I found it I can't stop reading, LOL!
    At first, I read a story here and a story there, but because it is so interesting, I now decided to read everything from the beginning, so I still have al long way to go. But I hope you will continue to write for a long time, you have so many great tips and I have so much to learn!

    Thank you for sharing this part of your life and giving me so much inspiration!


  18. Hello Rhonda!

    My name is Ingrid, and I am a 28-year-old wife and mother of one. I have been reading your blog for a couple of years now and words cannot describe how inspired and motivated I am after doing so. I stay at home all day with my almost 2-year-old daughter. My days are filled with laundry and cooking and endless cleaning, but lately I have not hated it as much as usual.

    I am trying to be less wasteful and more environmentally conscious. I have cooked from scratch for many years now, but there were other changes that needed to be made. First we replaced all the bulbs in our home with CFL bulbs. Then, we started recycling. Soon after, I started making your recipe for homemade laundry powder. I also started saving us quite a bit of money by switching from drinking coffee to drinking tea. Finally, last week I purchased some reusable shopping totes so that we will not use up so much plastic. I have also been saving jars from food we have eaten and cleaned them up and used them to store pantry items so that they would not end up in a landfill. These are all small changes that I have made, but they have stuck well.
    My next big move will be to garden. I am interested in trying the square foot gardening method, as I've heard it's the best there is. I believe I shall use concrete blocks for the borders. I would also like to start a compost area and purchase a rainwater barrel or tank. It may take years for all this to happen, but at least I have a goal in mind. :-) Thank you for blessing the world with your lovely blog!

  19. hey there, im casey and i live in cincinnati ohio in a two bedroom apt with my dh and 17 moth old daughter. i chose to be a stay at home mom while i was pregnant with her in 2009. Is hard to live simply in the city, but we make it work. Lucky for us, my dh's job is within walking distance, as well as all the places we need to get to asides from the doctors office. I recently purcased a raidio flyer wagon that i use to get groceries from the grocery store. I just strap baby violet in one end walk down to kroger buy what we need. With my dh's job just across from kroger i stroll the groceries over there and he puts the cold and frozen stuff in the freezer at his work (i only buy these things when he drives to work) and stroll the rest back up the hill to home. I buy most of my pantry stock items from the dollar store around the corner and my dear mother in law who lives down the street, lets me use her washer once a week. I dont really have room for a large garden but i do plant spnache in my front flowerbed with my daisys and dill, and my father in law lets me have a corner in his garden to grow some other things like tomatoes squash and the like.We had to choose between television and the internet as to wich we chose the internet, because we can communicate, watch our fav shows with no commercials and we have the whole world at our fingertips.We spend vacations at my parents home who live out in the country so its like a family vacation with out the anoyace of dealing with hotels and in stead only being surounded by those you love to be around.So, as it is hard to live simply in the city it can be done.I came across your blog while searching for housework organization ideas and i love your blog, its everything i enjoy reading about and i can't waite to try some of your recipes and tips. Thanks for the great advice and support for all of us who want simple happiness.

  20. Hi Rhonda,
    I'm 47, homeschooling 2 of our 4 children (2 have finished). I'm from Brisbane. I'm wanting to simplify my life, make things from scratch etc... I found your blog and I'm delighted to be able to learn so much, better late then never hey? I'm typically terrible at cooking and gardening, but I just want my life to flow more simplistically. I made your baked egg custard the other night, it was so simple, and it ... worked! Thank you for being generous with the knowledge you have gained, it's a blessing.


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